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A good friend of mine is at risk of having his son taken by his crazy ex-girlfriend.  He's trying to raise money for a lawyer.  




Whatever bad decisions he has made, he is a good man and a dear friend, and his ex-girlfriend is unstable and vengeful.  I'm reaching out to this community to help keep a child's father in his life.


I understand skepticism whenever anyone asks for money on the internet for people they don't know, but if you're willing to gamble even ten dollars, it would be very appreciated.

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I remember being forced to integrate into a new school in the 5th grade, not moving as far, and not as young, and it was very traumatic for me. And this little boy is probably going to have to do it twice, while simultaneously being ripped from his father!


This is a scar I would very much like to spare this little boy. 


Have a look at the funding campaign and the description of events if you haven't already.

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How is this father paying child support when he shares custody 50/50? How father friendly is Utah? I would assume the mother's request to move the child to North Dakota would be summarily rejected by a judge, considering how financially unstable the mother is, and the fact that the parents have previously negotiated shared custody.

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How is this father paying child support when he shares custody 50/50? How father friendly is Utah? I would assume the mother's request to move the child to North Dakota would be summarily rejected by a judge, considering how financially unstable the mother is, and the fact that the parents have previously negotiated shared custody.

The couple has avoided the courts thus far, partly because Utah courts are very female-friendly.  He has been paying child support primarily through insurance (auto and life) along with living costs and education costs, though they have not been negotiated through a lawyer.  The $2,500 he is asking for is minimal for representation in the state of Utah, in a system that is very maternally centered, for religious reasons.  He works (part time as a fire fighter, part time menial labor) enough to be ineligible for a public defender, but he doesn't earn enough to hire a good attorney on his own.  I hope you are right, and her request for full custody is denied by the judge; but the fact that their previous negotiations are not "on record" may be damning.  


Thank you for your curiosity.  I am willing to provide every detail, of which I'm aware, upon request, if it will result in support of this cause.

To whomever M. Marsh is (along with others who have donated), I would like to express my deepest gratitude.  The show of support provided by many on this forum has been ultimately inspiring to me.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Let me know if I can do anything in return.  For all of you that have donated, you have made a friend for life.  If you ever need anything from me, just let me know, and I will do everything I can.  Every time I've seen a donation, my eyes have welled up with tears, in hope that this child may experience the life he deserves; the life many of us didn't have.  If you have donated, please send a private message so that I can properly thank you; unless of course you would like to remain anonymous.  

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