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Came across this interview with an ex-KGB officer about the hidden warfare against freedom and truth as a whole. It's eerily prophetic seeing how it's from the 80's. It even makes strong allusions to the social justice warrior movement we see everywhere today.

In the second video he presents in more detail this process of moral erosion.

After watching these I feel like I'm living in a slowly sinking ship.



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Those Bezmenov videos are a real eye-opener. I especially remember when he said that the majority of the KGB budget was devoted to "ideological subversion" -- media, propaganda, etc. His department was far larger than one for the secret police, prisons, spies and other knee-breakers.


It illustrates very well how the state's efforts at mental enslavement, through bad ideas and religiosity, is its main purpose and function. Without it, a population could simply never be controlled.

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