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This is an idea I have been kicking around for a bit, it is not fully fleshed out but i just wanted to see what folks thought about it.Essentially the purpose of it would be to have a way for individuals to accuse others of crimes ( especially the ones that are not generally acknowledged as crimes today, or acted on; holding political office, being a cop, soldier, teacher anyone profiting from tax dollars .Though it would have to allow for anyone, the inceptive intent would be to make statists think twice before being statey. The idea being that a future more virtuous and just society might correct the judicial errors of past societies.examples:Your gonna take one for your lineage, become a senator and stash money away so your hiers can float on golden parachutes? lets make sure the world never forgets and maybe asks for the wealth back or they no play with your kids. Your going to sign up and take stolen money to terrorize people in other countries so your kids can go to colloge, you are also buying them a place in history. The purpose of this would not be to make the sins of the parent those of the child, in fact it would be doing the children ( should they be virtuous ) a favor letting them know the moral history of their progenators. The purpose would be to make statists in the here and now think twice before they act and give people in the here and now a way to take action.I would like to emphasize that I have no idea how the future 'should' act on that information. The primary purpose is in allowing a market gateway for some judicial action now even if its only observation, record keeping, and ordering the subjective magnitude of criminality by how many in the market throw how much wealth toward their prosecution.Technicals:this would have to be a cryptographic protocol that would rest on the Bitcoin blockchain in some way enjoying its robust distribution and thus resilience.I have some idea of what blockchain technologies are capable but am in no way an expert or close to it so please bear with me.To reduce blockchain bloat there would need to be a predetermined set of crimes, degrees,  quantity of damages and a paywall where each accusation need be accompanied by a fee for blockchain processing. This would also mitigate frivolous use.what of evidence? evidence is presented at a trial not accusation, thats my excuse for I have no idea how to code evidence into a blockchain. But, that might not matter, I see this technology only being useful for criminals whose crimes are historic fact but are un-prosecutable in their lifetimes.

anywho... this is just an idea I have had for awhile and thought I'd share, any ideas and feedback would be appreciated. 

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It sounds like inter-capital balancing based on a coded credit score algorithm; a way to calculate reparations (an I.O.U.?)?  :huh:


(Or maybe their money is worth less/inflated based on their Lexcoin percentage?)


Particularly with children, a very public reminder of the sins of their ancestors, followed by isolation, will likely further reduce their contact with examples of virtuous individuals...  :mellow:


(Or potentially motivate them to do better than their ancestors?)


I'm on board with the premise, to have an account of the wrongdoers, but I don't agree with punishing the child (I know that is not your intent, but that would appear to be the result if the child is ostracized). If the children start in Lexcoin debt but financial wealth, what would incentive repayment since they'll still have their family history on public record (or will it be removed/obsolete?)?


On the other hand, maybe those Lexcoin debts do not transfer over to the child if the parent wills the money to a reputable reparation agency or charity having a deathbed revelation or something (or if the child refuses the inheritance of the money?)?


Maybe the child is viewed with greater respect for doing so (social/cultural capital), leading to greater opportunities in the long run?


But then where does the money go after that? Does it go to the descendants of the victims (or wherever the reparation agency/charity decides?)?


(Since this post is becoming a train of thought, it's probably not going to be very helpful as I end up asking a bunch of questions and what-ifs. Your idea does get me thinking, so that's good.  :turned:)

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It sounds like inter-capital balancing based on a coded credit score algorithm; a way to calculate reparations (an I.O.U.?)?  :huh:


(Or maybe their money is worth less/inflated based on their Lexcoin percentage?)


Particularly with children, a very public reminder of the sins of their ancestors, followed by isolation, will likely further reduce their contact with examples of virtuous individuals...  :mellow:


(Or potentially motivate them to do better than their ancestors?)


I'm on board with the premise, to have an account of the wrongdoers, but I don't agree with punishing the child (I know that is not your intent, but that would appear to be the result if the child is ostracized). If the children start in Lexcoin debt but financial wealth, what would incentive repayment since they'll still have their family history on public record (or will it be removed/obsolete?)?


On the other hand, maybe those Lexcoin debts do not transfer over to the child if the parent wills the money to a reputable reparation agency or charity having a deathbed revelation or something (or if the child refuses the inheritance of the money?)?


Maybe the child is viewed with greater respect for doing so (social/cultural capital), leading to greater opportunities in the long run?


But then where does the money go after that? Does it go to the descendants of the victims (or wherever the reparation agency/charity decides?)?


(Since this post is becoming a train of thought, it's probably not going to be very helpful as I end up asking a bunch of questions and what-ifs. Your idea does get me thinking, so that's good.  :turned:)

Thanks for the reply and questions Lux, I am glad it got you thinking :) 

As far as where the money goes and what how will / should society treat the children, I don't think that matters or is practical to ask ( too far in the future to speculate ).  The whole point is being able to call a spade a spade  here and now and acknowlede that yes you have the gun today statey mcstaterson, but not forever. To have a public ledger ( and consequently market for comparison and forum for discussion ) that will forever record "super-crimes" those which are in any consistent framework crimes but which are just double-thought away in todays bass-akward society.

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Ok, and I'm guessing by the name "Lexcoin", you're looking to tie this into economic consequences for the recipient?


If incorporated from the vendor's side of a transaction (if the vendor agrees to use Lexcoin), will the database then calculate a negative modifier for the convicted party as a penalty for their crimes so that the value of their bitcoins is reduced (while retaining value for the vendor?)?


For example, say:


1 bitcoin = 1 bitcoin for anyone with a 100% Lexcoin modifier (the default with no effect on purchasing power)

1 bitcoin = 0.5 bitcoins for anyone with a 50% Lexcoin modifier (half the standard purchasing power)

1 bitcoin = 0 bitcoins for anyone with a 0% Lexcoin modifier (effectively excluded from any currencies using Lexcoin)


(or maybe each vendor can choose from different modifier curves and/or ones without economic exclusions if they choose to be more or less lenient?)


Aside from options that exclude convicted parties entirely, vendors will have an increased economic incentive to serve convicted parties because these parties will spend more than innocent parties for the same goods/services. A percentage of that purchasing power differential, say 2-5%, will then be collected by the Lexcoin architecture for database upkeep (and some to be further apportioned to a reparation escrow account?).


In the short term, it appears to be business as usual with the wealthy convicted parties receiving the preferential treatment they're accustomed to; however, as time progresses (and if digital currencies become more essential in daily commerce) the convicted parties will need to acquire more and more bitcoins which can only be done through bitcoin mining or free market exchanges (where the parties will be under increased scrutiny). In effect, convicted parties will be on the receiving end of localized inflation, whereas today they currently benefit from inflation as those with initial access to the money printers.


In this way, the consequences of crime upon conviction have direct economic effects which, in turn, will incentivise convicted parties to appeal and/or make amends for their crimes while dissuading further violations.


Also, in the same vein as the DRO concept, the vendors can choose the courts with the laws they agree with and the accompanying Lexcoin modifier scale. DRO courts will have an incentive to use Lexcoin as a way to collect a percentage (like the 2-5% mentioned earlier) to pay for their upkeep and relieving their customers of some of the cost, thus making them more competitive among other DRO courts.


(A similar arrangement can be made for any charities or donations the vendor wants to include as part of the purchasing power differential profit pie.)

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