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FDR film club


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I have been considering a film club within the FDR community for some time now, but haven't quite managed to get the ball rolling. However, I have decided to set a date and time for this call in which we can discuss the philosophical aspects of movies and TV shows. I will be doing this on a monthly basis and look forward to those joining me on Google Hangout. Just so you know I also plan to record these conversations too for publication. That said, no private information will be disclosed of course.


So my plan is to have a call at 21:00 (GMT) on Saturday 18 Oct. This is UK time for me. I look forward to discussing the movie Dead Poets Society. Please PM me for contact details if you are at all interested and all the best. :)


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Hi Boohickey, thanks for your interest.


I prefer to use Google Hangout these days, as it's more reliable. But if the call gets heavily subscribed (10+), then we may have to use Skype. You will need a gmail account, after which you can setup your Google+ account which will give you access to the Hangout app. I can then add you to the Philosophy Film Club Google+ group circles, after which you'll be able to reach the call.


Here is the blogspot page that I will be publishing the podcasts and reviews on. You can also add your Google+ details to this blog for email reminders and a way for me to see newcomers that I can invite to future calls.




I have amended the start time, because some of my european friends found it a little late. So instead of starting at 23:00 we shall be commencing at 21:00 (GMT).


Here is the Google+ group page and Ady I've already sent you an invite. (check Google)



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This is the Google+ event link that I created for the 18 Oct 2014




However, I strongly suggest you join the Google+ group in my previous post, so as to be sure to be added to the call. The interest so far (from various sources) has been surprisingly good. So I look forward to an enthusiastic show. :)

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Just letting people know that I am hoping to make this a private Google Hangout 'AIR' live stream. In which case I will only be posting a link for (unlimited) listeners to join automatically here in this thread and on my blog.


The link to join automatically as a caller (10 max) will only be available to you after you join the Google+ community that I discussed in my second post. I will have to add you to that group before you have access, so you might want to do this ahead of the scheduled call, as I will no doubt be otherwise preoccupied by then.


The callers will come on a first come first served basis for now. Unless otherwise prearranged that certain callers had something they particularly wanted to bring to the call. Private message me if that is the case. 

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Glad to have you on board guys. I quite agree Michael, whilst the film is a little old now, it's quite rich in content philosophically.


Regarding the time of the call, I see that it falls within the day for you guys in North America and evenings for Europeans. I may jiggle that time in future, depending on the feedback and attendance.


As an appetizer for future callers, my next two films up for review will be The Giver (2014) and Gravity (2013). Although I may have to rearrange that depending on the availability of those films in Europe.

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Just giving the film club a bit of a bump. Next Saturday for those that are interested. As has been mentioned Dead Poet's Society is the film up for review.


You will need to join this Google+ community group (link below) to be added as a caller.




Try to be added to the group prior to the call, so as to avoid any disappointment at not being able to join the call this Saturday. Log into your Google+ account 10 minutes before the call and I will make a post in the community group asking for callers. I will then invite callers on a first come first served basis.

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One last bump for the film club this Saturday 18 Oct (tomorrow) at 9 pm (London UK time).


I will try to post the link for the live broadcast here, shortly before the call begins. Any feedback from listeners would be most welcome after the broadcast. It will be an audio only event. and the podcast will be published the following day I'm hoping.

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Hey Patrick, 


Thank you so much for starting this club. I really enjoyed the first hangout and I am looking forward to the next ones.


You put together a great group of people and your first pick for the movie was fantastic! It was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon in good company.  

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Thanks Ady. Your contribution to the call was very much appreciated. As was everyone else's too. Couldn't quite believe I got a full house on my first go with others attempting to join.


I know there was a number of people listening in on the livestream. Any feedback or criticism regarding the sound and or content would be appreciated, if you had time.


I'm looking forward to the next call which will be in November sometime. Gravity is my choice this time around. I'll be letting people know the date and time within the next few days, but approximately a month from now.


Gravity 2013



No spoilers here, but think about the 'helpless child', which I believe will add a very special richness to this film.

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Enjoyed the podcast and really impressed by all those who took part. The discussion of the film had a depth of meaning that for me it was like discovering the unabridged version of a beloved abridged book. I've joined the google plus group (thank you Patrick) and will try to take part in the next livestream even if I am more of a listener than a talker. 

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This is the published blog for the podcast above for the first show on Dead Poets Society.


The podcast is shared via a public folder in Google Drive. Drive tunes would be the better way to listen to it, otherwise you can just download it from that folder as an MP3. Let me know if you experience any difficulties with accessing it.




Blog entry below -


Well, what an interesting film to discuss for our first show. At first I was struck by how dated the film had become. I probably last watched this film back in 1995, so no surprises there I guess. But in all fairness this  was rather inconsequential, as the film is still quite rich in metaphor all the same. I will give you a brief outline of my own thoughts on the movie, but the real 'meat and veg' so to speak lies within the podcast above. We had an excellent band of callers that provided some great insights.
Carpe Diem
Ah yes, 'Carpe diem', Seize the day. Probably the most enduring mantra of the film. An ode to critical thinking and living a life of self expression. How does the film fare in regard to this theme?
Certainly Keating (Robin Williams) gets off to a swinging start with his nonchalant whistling as he enters the class for the first time which raises the curiosity of the boys. His rather eccentric disparity of normal schooling practices are in full display as he takes the boys into the hallway of the school to show them the pictures of past, but long since dead students. There is a very palpable moment of realising ones own mortality within this scene, which is why in my opinion it's Williams greatest scene in the whole movie. Carpe diem becomes more than just a fancy expression, but rather an urgent call to attend to ones personal life. By this point Keating finally captures the attention and respect of his class and indeed the audience too.
So what are the tools that Keating uses to inspire the boys to seize the day with and what are the hindrances that face them.
Keating is of course an English teacher, so his preferred tool for  enlightenment and a life worth living is poetry. Certainly there are some great moments of poetry, such as Todd’s (Ethan Hawke) first classroom recital and Charlie’s (later preferring to be called Nuwanda, Gale Hansen) rather irreverent poem he recites in the Dead Poets Society cave. Certainly these boys come to life and are seemingly inspired to take life by the horns.
As you know the whole story is set within a boarding school. A school that has a history of highly successful students. The school motto of tradition, honour, discipline and excellence is later replaced by the boy’s interpretation of travesty, excrement, decadence and horror. It’s a telling indictment to an institution that couldn't be any further removed from values of the Dead Poets Society. School becomes a stifling environment for self expression.
Some of the worst examples of parenting are on display throughout this movie. It’s interesting how so little has been mentioned of this in any of the major reviews of the film. The expectations and opposition to their sons self expression are all to vividly clear by all the parents we meet. The sense that these children are indeed prisoners to their parents unmet needs and desires is I think the most poignant part of this whole story. Not least, but including the collusion of the school in this regard.
This is made abundantly clear by Neil’s (Robert Sean Leonard) father (Kurtwood Smith) who routinely removes him from his interests that he believes will distract him from his academic work. This parenting leads directly to Neil’s eventual suicide of course.
So how does the film fare in terms of philosophy. Well, as a friend said to me, ‘it’s about poetry right?’. Whilst poetry can indeed be liberating and a way to self examine. It can also be way to self erase. Knox’s character (Josh Charles) does this in full display by falling in love with Chris (Alexandra Powers) the moment he sees her. The claim here that her beauty trumps any kind of knowledge about her person hood or virtues. Indeed she even says, 'you don't even know me'.
For me and some of the callers disagreed with me on this. But as far as my lasting impression of the theme ‘carpe diem’,  was that self expression brought about a whole world of pain for those that engaged in it. From being beaten up, corporal punishment, expulsion and even suicide. Conformity and obedience eventually seized the day. This was no more better described than by Meek’s betrayal of Keating after Neil’s suicide.
Since I have ended with perhaps a negative view of the film. It only really failed by philosophy's standards, which doesn't make it a failure as a story. This story could be recited year after year, school child after school child. It should be a wake up call to all parents that treat their children as devices for their own unmet needs. I don’t blame Meek’s for betraying Keating, he did what was most expedient for him. That would protect him from the harsh punishments of those that controlled his life.



As for the schedule of the next show on the film Gravity. This will now take place on Saturday 15 November 2014 an hour earlier than the previous show at 8 pm (UTC). Not UTC +1 any longer, as the UK clocks will have gone back an hour by then. UTC is also known as GMT.


I will be expecting all callers to participate in at least a one minute introduction about their experience of the movie at the beginning of the call. So do come prepared to answer a few questions here and there.


Otherwise you can always just listen to the live broadcast, which I will post on this thread of course. I'm hoping to add a chat server too, so that listeners on the livestream can interact with the callers and myself (via text) in the show.

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The Philosophy Film Club has set a date for the next show on Saturday 15 Nov at 8 pm (GMT). We will be discussing the movie Gravity, which I believe will be a most exciting film to discuss philosophically. Hit the link below to add yourself to the show as a caller. Looking forward to another exciting show and discussion. The invite is only available to Google+ accounts.


Google+ Invite


As before I will be providing a listener only livestream via YouTube/Google+ and will post the link to that stream in this thread. It shouldn't clash with the Saturday night call in show either. If you join the livestream via Google+ rather than YouTube you will be able to pose questions live into the show itself.


Here's the extended trailer as a taster for those that haven't yet watched.


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  • 3 weeks later...

The Philosophy Film Club has set a date for the next show on Saturday 15 Nov at 8 pm (GMT). We will be discussing the movie Gravity, which I believe will be a most exciting film to discuss philosophically.


I'm so glad I found this thread!  I fancy myself as something of a film buff, and I probably watch more movies than is healthy.  Moreover, I tend to make my friends uncomfortable with the level of scrutiny I apply to popular films.  I've seen this film, and I love the idea of a philosophical film review, but I'm having trouble understanding the philosophical significance of this film in particular.  Perhaps you can help me get the ball rolling?  Of all the films currently released, why did this one get your attention?

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Ok, so the Philosophy Film Club will be doing a follow up call amongst the guys running the show (Ady & Patrick) tomorrow evening at 9:30 pm (UTC/GMT). We shall live stream it for your pleasure. :)


Make sure you are logged into your Google+ account to watch the live stream. That way you can send us comments within the stream itself.



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I love this idea.  Though I don't get to watch movies often, so likely I can't participate.  One recommendation I have for the movie club is to discuss the movie, "Goodwill Hunting".  I have heard that is an incredible movie and very worthy of philosophical discussion.  I have to get around to seeing that one fine day soon.  I have heard really great things about it.   


What about an FDR Writer's Club?  Maybe there are some good writers on the board who would love to share some of their work and/or their skills.  I am always looking for writers to work with in getting things proofread, edited, etc.  I think that would be a great workshop.   

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I'm curious to get some honest feedback about the show, as we are now 3 shows under the hood with a fourth in the making. The last one was a little different to before, but curious to know how well people were engaged with it. Whether they connected with the content or not. Feel free to PM me if you prefer.


Thanks for your time.

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So our next discussion will be on Saturday 13 December at 20:00 (GMT/UTC). We shall be discussing the movie. The Giver. A film which has been requested over a dozen times now. Here is one of the better trailers for this movie.



Below is the Google+ event page for those that would like to participate in the call. Seeing as we can only manage a maximum of 10 callers I will prioritise callers that provide scenes or themes they would like to discuss ahead of the call on the event page.


Google+ Event Page (please join)

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Anyone that would like to join the FaceBook group for the Film Club. Da link below.

Also a reminder for the next call (The Giver) this coming Saturday (13th Dec). It may well be full now. But I will prioritise callers that respond with points they would like to raise on the event page itself ahead of the call.



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Just a gentle reminder for tomorrows show at 8pm (GMT) 2pm (CST) discussing The Giver. The link below will give you access to the live stream if you click into the video. Currently I have a trailer playing, which will change to a live stream after I start broadcasting at the allotted time. The show may not start for 10 minutes or less as we prepare the callers for the broadcast.


Feel free to send us your views and comments via the Q&A application (you will need to be logged into your G+ account to do this). We will endeavour to get round to them at some point during the show. Otherwise, feel free to just say Hi or provide feedback on any annoying sounds you might be hearing or poor audio, thanks. :)



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