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The world is changing for the better - reddit example


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Just wanted to share: http://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/2hv44j/this_just_happened_at_the_grocery_store_the/


It's wonderful to see how drastically different the tide of sentiment is today regarding spanking as child abuse. I didn't have to scroll down much to find powerful and popular arguments against spanking. I wonder how much of this sentiment shift is because of FDR :)

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I am a reddit newb. I see, "This just happened at the grocery store. The mother looked so embarrassed," but no frame of reference appears to be provided for what "this" refers to. What am I missing?


As for the comments, just as with slavery, the extension of personhood to children is inevitable. It cannot be stopped. The only question remains as to how quickly it will be completely unfashionable to utter support for child abuse in any form. This will be decided by how vocal and firm we are in spreading the news. Still, it is good to see such results so quickly.

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Perhaps I've not been around as long as some of you guys; to me this seems little better than the normal state of things. Virtually nobody speaking out against it, sure there are no major apologetics but some of the stuff in there is just eeeuuuugh


"My mother punched me in the face when I was 30; I was holding my toddler daughter at the time, and out of pure instinct I punched her back.


I also went to jail and lost my job for Domestic Violence.


Never spoke other again."




"I once told my mom that the d I received was just a backwards b (the grade I promised to get). She half-smirked, then glared, and then told me I'm too stupid to be her child and that she's going to beat me with a stick until I die. She said it in our mother tongue in which it doesn't sound as harsh.

For the record, she never once actually beat me! A few slaps by my dad on the other hand...

The threats eventually became a running joke in the family. Fortunately (for everyone involved), I eventually did do well in academics when I understood why it meant so much to my parents.

*Edited: cause I'm still dumb in turns out"


This is 2 texts out of hundreds, and they are among the most shocking, but there are lots of other very disturbing confessions.

For the record, the comments section on a CNN article that was posted on here the other day actually fielded a lot more opposition to spanking than this reddit thread.

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