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Good Peaceful Parenting Resources.

Chris Harris

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Hello everyone, I just found out that my sister is pregnant recently and I have been looking for some good information/resources about peaceful parenting. She is very interested in raising her future child peacefully since we did not have a good or peaceful childhood ourselves and we can see how that affected us. I am not sure if this thread already exists but I would like to know where y'all find your information concerning peaceful parenting and if there are any specific books/websites that are really good sources of information. Along with this I was wondering if anyone knew some good information/sources for managing the stress and emotions that come along with pregnancy for both the mother and the father. I think if they are stressed as little as possible it will be a more affectionate environment for the baby.


Thanks in advance!

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There is this playlist I found useful: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVukZXN0oyRfhSf0iDz9xDAwa6b3Qp27G


And, there is a book I'm translating that has lots of information about parenting peacefully: http://www.amazon.com/Peaceful-Parent-Happy-Kids-Connecting/dp/0399160280/ref=sr_1_1_ha?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1412188047&sr=1-1&keywords=peaceful+parent+happy+kids


The author of this book has a good page where you can find articles about peaceful parenting.


It has info about pregnancy and birth too.


Hope it helps!

Take care and congratulations!

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