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Louisiana Male Teen "Double Teamed" by Two Female Teachers

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Why do they have no authority? You are presenting a circular argument.

And you're now incorrectly giving me the burden of proof.


Lack of authority over another human is the default position, our natural state. Some authority is given to others via contract, children are unable to enter into serious contracts, therefore they cannot give away authority, even to their guardians.


The burden of proof is on you to show that parents, by virtue of sex, somehow have the right to give orders to a child.

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How much responsibility should the 16 year old take for his actions if he expresses that we willingly took part in the act?


P.S. If a 16 year old (someone who we do not trust to make decisions about who he sleeps with) has sex with another 16 year old (another person we do not trust to make decisions about who she sleeps with), its somehow ok?


I doesn't matter whether they consent or not. We absolve children of this resoponsibility because the adults they engaged with should know better.


One of the worst examples I saw of this in my teens was a young 15 yr old boy having a sexual relationship with a 30 yr old women. The parents attempted to get the Police involved. However, because the claim was that it was consential and they apparently claimed to love eachother the police decided to drop the case. Of course the parents are to blame here, as they decided not to pursue the charges any further and basically gave in to it. Of course they were far too late by then, as the damage of their neglect had been well wrought


This poor guy became married to this women and had children with her. It proceeded to be the most unhappy part of his life, which dragged him into all the normal male expectations placed upon a husband and a father of children. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. But yet this vacuous bitch got more than her fair share out of his life and his eventually very hard earned resources.


It was only last year that I read a story of a male teacher doing the same with a young 15 year old girl and he got 5 years prison. She has now decided to drop him as a potential husband, as she cannot wait for him.


The double standard is worse than just the difference between a custodial sentence or getting away with it. Sometimes these deviant predators actually manage to convince the child they should marry them. In the case of a boy that comes with a shit ton of responsibility of course. Responsibility they are      often oblivious of until it's too late. By which time society says, hey you made you bed fella, now lie on it.

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And you're now incorrectly giving me the burden of proof.


Lack of authority over another human is the default position, our natural state. Some authority is given to others via contract, children are unable to enter into serious contracts, therefore they cannot give away authority, even to their guardians.


The burden of proof is on you to show that parents, by virtue of sex, somehow have the right to give orders to a child.


You equate authority with authoritarianism. That does not necessarily follow. You can be an authority in your child's life without being a kid commander, demanding respect. A parent needs to earn that respect through negotiation with the child's needs and desires. This is also something teachers constantly fail to do, which is why I was comparing the role of the teacher to the role of the parent.


What does it mean to give away authority and why does a child have to be able to enter into a serious (legal?) contract to do so?

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You equate authority with authoritarianism. That does not necessarily follow. You can be an authority in your child's life without being a kid commander, demanding respect. A parent needs to earn that respect through negotiation with the child's needs and desires. This is also something teachers constantly fail to do, which is why I was comparing the role of the teacher to the role of the parent.


What does it mean to give away authority and why does a child have to be able to enter into a serious (legal?) contract to do so?

I associate authority with authority and no other thing. What you describe isn't authority.

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