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Foreskin Regeneration

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I searched the forum and did not find a topic specifically on foreskin regeneration so I am starting one here.


As a circumcised male I feel that something was taken from me. I have decided to begin the non-surgical procedure of foreskin regeneration using a stretching device. The device I will be purchasing comes from foreskinrestore.com.


I would like this thread to be specifically about foreskin regeneration only and not a rant about circumcision in general. I want it to be a place about those of us who are circumcised and want more information on foreskin regeneration from an anecdotal perspective.


I will try to keep this thread current as this process continues.

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It is a disclaimer as home treatments are not medically certified by government agencies. They would be sued if they did not put that on as there would be many regulations they'd be breaking. It also avoids liability for any damage done. It is like how most sex toys are sold as novelty items, despite clearly being meant to be used.


I was skeptical about this subject, but wiki seems to back it up, so I suppose it is legit.

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what are the benefits?

From Wikipedia


In some men, foreskin restoration may alleviate certain problems they attribute to their circumcisions. Such problems include prominent scarring (33%), insufficient penile skin for comfortable erection (27%), erectile curvature from uneven skin loss (16%), and pain and bleeding upon erection/manipulation (17%). The poll also asked about awareness of or involvement in foreskin restoration, and included an open comment section. Many respondents and their wives "reported that restoration resolved the unnatural dryness of the circumcised penis, which caused abrasion, pain or bleeding during intercourse, and that restoration offered unique pleasures, which enhanced sexual intimacy."

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Penn & Teller did a "Bullshit" episode on involuntary male circumcision.  It talks about some of the benefits, etc.  They curse a lot, but they make good sense on the subject, plus they are entertaining. 

Part 1


Part II


I got to the first 3 minutes of the first video and couldn't watch it anymore.

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So, I have started the regeneration process with the device that I ordered and have been for a few days. I know now that I really am going to have to be committed to this process if I am going to have the kind of results that I am hoping for. There is definitely going to be a lot of discomfort and some pain during this process.


I don't want to scare anyone away from doing this however. The discomfort is manageable and the pain only comes (at least for me) when removing the device. It's kind of like when you sit on your leg too long and it only hurts when you first standup.

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  • 3 years later...

doing another search on the topic and getting more results than before. 

Seems there have been more people trying it with results to share on dedicated restoring sites. 

Restoring gives different results but  generally an improvement. Just takes a few years dedication for most and occasionally a year for others. 

At the time of writing, https://foreskinrestoration.vbulletin.net/

looks like a more established forum for restorers and appears to be fairly active, and—dare I say—a more suitable place for discussion  

If anyone were curious about restoring, that’s an active community for support with sub forums with the specifics.


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