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Crowdfund: The Story of Your Enslavement Russian Voiceover & New Subtitles


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Help bring philosophy to Russian-speaking people!


Hi all! I recently created Russian subtitles for the audio part of "The Story of Your Enslavement," as seen in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHckEEYSV_c#t=84


I got good feedback about the quality of the subtitles, along with a suggestion that to target the Russian and other Eastern European audiences, there needs to be a voiceover, because those audiences are much more used to dubbed videos, as opposed to reading subtitles. I agree with that, and I decided to do a quality Russian voiceover for the video, with new subtitles that would translate the English text in the video, so that viewers get more of a complete understanding of the content.

I decided to crowdfund this project: all in all I need $250 worth of BTC ($80 for a quality mic, and $170 for my work). Given today's BTC price, it's 0.78 BTC. Please donate to the following BTC address: 




I will produce the voiceover-ed video 3 weeks after the target amount (0.78 BTC) is reached. If the target amount is not reached by October 27th, I will transfer all of the received donations to FDR. You can track the balance at this address through blockchain.info.


Thank you for your contributions!


About me:

My name is Max, and I am a psychotherapist and a Russian interpreter/translator. I am also passionate about the non-aggression principle and in particular its application to adults' treatment of children. My previous translation work includes Russian subtitles for several of Daniel Mackler's videos about recovery from mental health disturbances without psychiatric drugs:


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Where is the address? (to donate)


I decided to crowdfund this project: all in all I need $250 worth of BTC ($80 for a quality mic, and $170 for my work). Given today's BTC price, it's 0.78 BTC. Please donate to the following BTC address:  168pMRR4hj4VxPUghym681Ri3t7wcuiTC2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the people who donated! Even though I only reached 1/3 of the goal, I decided I will still go ahead and do the project. It is enough for me to buy the equipment I need, and this is a great cause I can donate my time towards. I'll update on here when the project is published!

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  • 3 weeks later...

An update for the fine people who donated to this project and everyone else: I am about half-way done with the translation of the video's English subtitles and have created 3 versions of the voiceover, trying to find the best sound with my mic. I want to still make a couple of voiceover versions in different rooms, to see which version produces the cleanest sound. I'm estimating that the voiceovered video will be ready in the next 2-3 weeks. It just happens that I am also currently in the process of setting up a business, so it takes a bit of time. Thanks again for your support!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Video finished! Thanks again so much to the people who donated and helped me buy the mic to do the recording. Now to spread the video among Russian-speaking folks (of which there are some 300 million in the world). In the description for the video, there is a link for a new Russian-language website called Доброум (a symbiosis of two words meaning "goodness" and "reason") - it's a project that I and a few other Russian-speaking FDR listeners are developing. It will have both translated FDR content and original material produced by us. Thanks again, guys!

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