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What do you guys think of sam pepper recent scandal of pedophilia and rapes and sexual assault?


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Here's a video of lacie green talking about it


There are many other videos talking about it and now apparently he raped girls too some underage some not. This has been a trend on youtube with these pedophiles raping under age girls. I also find it weird when their friends say they had nothing to do with it and had no knowledge of it. I'm pretty sure that's completely impossible and they are just saying that to get themselves off the hook. Another man named Tom Milsom  was caught molesting a 15 year old girl when he was 23 and one of his band mates was caught molesting a underage girl. Both of their friends claiming they knew nothing. I find this ridiculous, that people living with you don't know that you are raping girls and having sex with minors some as young as 12.


What is your opinions on this?

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The whole Youtube prank and pick-up genre has become a crowded space and it's getting more and more extreme to garner views.  I'm not sure what you're asking really, obviously unwanted physical contact is an assault, and exposing yourself to groups of people in a park is a good way to end up on the sex offender list.


That seems like a bit of a jump to make though, that there's a trend on youtube of pedophiles raping underage girls?

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I too took issue with the use of the word trend. I didn't speak up because I also took issue with the word pedophile, which I understand is an unpopular position (though accurate). Pedophilia is a preference. A taste, and one that's indicative of victimization. There are tons of pedophiles out there that do not molest or rape just as there's a ton of Corvette enthusiasts out there that don't vandalize or steal cars.


I too do not understand what this thread is asking. What do I think about assault and rape? It's internally inconsistent and therefore immoral. People are attracted to such things in the form of entertainment because they have unresolved trauma of their own. Including not being taught how to rationally think or negotiate and not being nurtured enough to develop empathy. It's good that such things are open for all to see because we must never lose sight of how real, dangerous, and prevalent the effects of abusive parenting actually is.

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