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Empathy App


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Hey this is an awesome idea, this organisation is creating an app so that anyone who needs empathy, anyone in the world, can connect with a trained person, share their woes and get some reflective/active listening to ease their pain. I think this is a sweet idea and encourage people from this community to send a few dollars in the direction of their crowdfunding campaign! Stuff like this could really make the world a more sensitive place.



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When I first read this, I felt apprehension. I think it was due to my bias. Before I had pursued self-knowledge, I actually sought out girlfriends that would nurture me like a parent. I didn't realize at the time that the unconditional love I was seeking was something only a parent could/should provide and that it's only beneficial during the formative years. I was afraid that such a service would be giving people false hope and/or preying on the damaged.


Then I got to thinking about how many people avail themselves of things like prostitutes, 900 numbers, BARS, and do things like claim a belief in aliens, etc just for the ability to talk to SOMEBODY and feel listened to/appreciated. So I checked out that link. I'm not sure what their approach is specifically, so cannot know if their claim to want to spread empathy is realistic. But I was impressed by their use of a donation model as well as their understanding of how important empathy is. I hope that such a service if nothing else gets people thinking more about empathy and researching where it comes from. It might help to reinforce the importance of peaceful parenting.

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