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Who will build the roads? This man will!


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I think this is a great example for the argument against "Who will build the roads". I would love to hear what you think?

didn't watch the vid, but my response to the question is simply:  "why not the same people who build them now?"  the government doesn't build roads or bridges, or do anything productive for that matter.  

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Completely agree powder. The video show's a man who puts a toll road on his private property and is making money from it because the government road is not finished, so people use the toll road and save time. very true fractional slacker. I thought it was a good example of some ingenuity and entrepreneurship.

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I'd like to think a free market could come up with an innovative solution.  :happy:



Though this might not be it unfortunately...  :confused:



The first video is an internet advertisement that generated more than 18 million views (as of this posting).


The second video goes into detail about why the solar roadways are currently impractical.

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The old "who will build the roads?" question is an unwitting confession.  The person asking the question can't possibly hope to be taken seriously.  The only way you can think of to build a road is by getting the money you need to do it through armed robbery?


Who said it was my job or anyone else's to provide a road for you in the first place?  What, are you a narcissist?  We're all here to provide your precious butt with roads and bridges?  I don't think so, pal.


And if it's OK for you to commit armed robbery to build your roads, why then is it not OK for me to commit armed robbery to get the money I need to build my house, get me a car, and pay my grocery bill, and my summer vacations?  What's good for the goose is good for the gander, eh?  Will you not say?   


Some say that "society" would fall apart if we did not have taxation and coercion.  Do they hear what they're saying?  If robbery and coercion are "society", then the sooner "society" falls apart and comes to an end the better off we all will be.  

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