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N95 masks are not effective in preventing Ebola transmission


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This one is a bombshell.




CIDRAP is warning that surgical facemasks do not prevent transmission of Ebola, and healthcare professionals (HCP) must immediately be outfitted with full-hooded protective gear and powered air-purifying respirators.

Found the CIDRAP recommendation.



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Part of the problem is that this is a new strain, and part of the problem is a normalcy bias that gives people the belief that what's in place now is sufficient for anything new that comes along. In fact, before Thomas Eric Duncan was diagnosed, the people treating him had no enhanced protective gear at all.

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My wife works in an emergency room (as I've said before). We're more than a little bit concerned.


My wife works in critical care, and we have been having serious discussions about her quitting.

The hospital she works at is not prepared to deal with ebola. They do not have the equipment. They do not have the training.

It's a bit disturbing when you are caring for a patient while wearing a mask and gloves, and someone from the infectious disease unit come into the room in a full bio-suit. Uhh... why is she wearing a suit? Where is MY suit? Oh, it's just a precaution? Am I not important enough for a little precaution here? 


CDC blaming the infected nurse for breaching protocol makes it clear to me that they are much more concerned about spreading false security than actually keeping anybody safe.


If there is an outbreak, don't expect suicidal doctors and nurses to sacrifice themselves to try to save you.

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I'm no doctor and they know best but I find it hard to understand why they would wear anything short of an NBC suit when dealing with ebola patients. I would want an autonomous air supply ffs.

A flimsy little cloth mask? Doesn't even cover the majority of the face, and still has large gaps for air to circulate in and out.

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