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We have all been there, exiting Whole Foods and there is someone petitioning for you to sign something regarding  Gay Rights,  The Environment, or something else the U.S. government has destroyed for centuries. And the tool that they are going to use... You guessed it... THE GOVERNMENT! 


Yesterday, I was exiting whole foods and I got asked "Do you support gay rights?" 


"Yes, of course, but are you trying to get a new law passed?"




"Well I certainly don't want any more of those! Thank you" 


....then he says... 




So... needless to say, I turned around engaged in a 5 minute debate of sorts.. Kind of fun, they are sitting ducks, so don't pick on them. But the reality is, any time you waste of theirs is time people aren't signing their petition to enact a new law, so it is time well spent. 


Btw, he was trying to get an anti-bullying law passed so that all public school teachers would be forced to offer an anti-bullying course, particularly for the lesbian and gay community.


The first question I ask is "How long have you been in California?" 


"Ten years..."


"Ok cool. And how long do you think insurance companies would have been recognized same-sex couples and certain hospitals would have allowed same-sex couples to visit each other in critical care, if it weren't for the laws that made it illegal in the State of California?"

"Probably decades!" 


"Ok great... so now, you are telling me.. you are going to go to same exact people.. to ask for your rights back? With the same exact tool of democratic voting (democratic totalitarianism)." 



Long story short.. 


The product: "Uphold the rights of minorities!" 
Brought to you by the same people who gave you crowd sensations like:  
Jim Crow Laws 
1,000,000 Dead Iraqi's
The Prison Industrial Complex 
The War on Drugs 
The War on Terror
Genocide of the Native Americans Followed by Welfare Enslavement 
NSA Spying
National Debt Enslaving Future Generations
Japanese Internment Camps 
Inflation Robbing The Lower Classes of Their Wealth 
The Suppression of Gay Rights 
"Ok, the government has done some bad thing IN THE PAST BUT without the government, minorities rights can't be protected!" 
The Truth: Without the government, you can not suppress the rights of minorities because you can not impose the oppressive views of the mob rule majority. 
During slavery, when run away slaves were caught, they were returned to their masters by the police. The police of course were paid for through taxation. Meaning slavery was subsidized by the government aka the tax payer. It also means, that every slave knew that if he did escape he would almost always be returned. This, of course, made it extremely unlikely for slaves to try to run. Now, imagine if the slave owner had to pay his OWN police force to be constantly roaming the land looking for run away slaves. It completely changes the business model and makes it entirely inefficient. 
And THIS the exact same system and people we are supposed to going to look for protection of the rights of minorities. 
Tell me how this blatant contradiction isn't the result of indoctrination and propaganda!  
As in, if there was ANYONE BESIDES THE GOVERNMENT with the same track record, would you even consider going to them for the protection of minorities rights? 
Let's say a few years ago, CHICK FILA and its affiliates singlehandedly caused the Japanese Internment Camps, but now they are under new management. Would you then willingly  go to them to say, "Oh yeah, I know you guys kind of dropped the ball in the past. But we would really like gay marriage to be legalized, I know how good you are at helping the rights of minorities." 
At the end of the conversation, he says, "Well, I would continue this conversation, but I am trying to get people to sign up. So enjoy your PRIVILEGE!" 
(He has used that phrase several times in the conversation) 
So I stop. And loudly say. "EVERYONE LISTEN. This person is trying got get an ANTI BULLYING law passed, while constantly calling me "PRIVILEGED" in a derogatory axion, because I am a white male. And he assumes, I am not a minority. But the beauty of this is. I AM GAY. And he has not only jumped to conclusions about me based on my looks, he is bullying me based on those conclusions." 
I let him with a pretty funny expression on his face. 
Happy Anarching. 


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You went  a full 10 rounds with a typical Cultural Marxist thug. I prefer the Socratic approach. What is the definition of gay? What is the definition of rights? How would a signature on a piece of paper change reality? 

I walk right up to these guys and politely interrogate them until they beg for mercy. If you are preaching about a cause, you better be ready to answer a few basic questions.

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Here's an article about the CEO, John Mackey: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2013/01/whole-foods-market-john-mackey-interview-conscious-capitalism


He sounds more like a reluctant capitalist than a conscious one. He's the ultimate pragmatist. When he's concerned with industry regulation and union trouble, he's a libertarian. When it comes to appealing to the customers, he's an ethical vegan. But he's definitely not a socialist! No, no, no. That's a bad word.


Ethical veganism, however, comes directly out of feminism, which has its origins in Marxist Socialism. See the "Animals are people, too!" message within The Animal Manifesto if you don't believe me. http://www.cyberchimp.co.uk/research/manifesto.htm




I would like to see reproductive freedom for all female animals, not just human females. What Barbara Noske has called ‘the animal industrial complex’ requires the absolute exploitation of female animals. There would be no eating of domesticated animals if female animals weren’t kept pregnant to produce the animals being consumed. There would be no milk, if cows weren’t kept lactating; no eggs if chickens weren’t kept ovulating.


Apparently, Carol J. Adams doesn't know that hens, like human females, continually ovulate and lay eggs until they are no longer in the window of fertility. Sex and fertility are facts of all known life. The real reason feminists oppose the "exploitation of animals" is they dread thinking of themselves as brood mares for the patriarchy. She must raise animals up to the moral status of human (we don't eat other humans, usually) because woman won't deign to accept their role as dumb, exploited animal. The irony is, of course, this is exactly was feminism does to women. It lowers them to the moral status of dumb animal. We can't ever hold women accountable because they are perpetual victims, like the lowly beef cow.


Ever since Paul Erlich published The Population Bomb in 1968, in which he speculated about the use of enforced sterilization by chemically altering food, the Federal government has been eagerly meddling in the agricultural industry and propagandizing us about what we should and shouldn't eat. The result of the forty year experiment of shaming people for eating meat ("Meat is murder!") is a sick society that clamors for socialized health care, but Mackey says he's not a socialist. I call shenanigans.

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