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I have published my first book, ''Dear Self''!


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Hello people, hope things are going well for you all!

I have finally published my self-help book ''Dear Self'', and wanted to share it with you awesome people here in the community!

The book is pretty short, it is an introduction to journaling and being curious and open with yourself.

For now, I have it up for free over at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/484220 , so if you'd like to check it out! If you read it and enjoyed it/got something out of it, I would very much appriciate it if you would leave a review of it.

Also, if you thought it was really worthwhile, you can hop over to http://www.amazon.com/Dear-Self-self-therapy-introspection-journaling-ebook/dp/B00OKM850G/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1413561283&sr=8-2&keywords=dear+self (or just search it on amazon), and buy a copy. I'd really appriciate it :)


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Hi Yeravos,


I have just read your book, and I am electrified. You made me feel happy and sad, energetic and a little fearful in-between. You made me laugh and you made me cry a tear. Thank you for your powerful book!


I think your book is an incredible resource for people wanting to start working on themselves. It is short (which is good!) and directly to the point. I can imagine, that for some people it will be just the wake-up call they need to get going with self-work. For me, it was a gripping introduction to IFS and to your experience in life. I did a lot of therapy and still do in different forms, but I never consistently journalled like you describe it. I do dialogues like the ones in your book in my head quite a lot.


I'm absolutely thrilled right now. You have a gift of not wasting words, of saying just what needs to be said, at least that's my perspective.


I'll PM you with some typos I found. They don't detract from the value that you gave me, but correcting them could make your book feel more polished.


I'm deeply sorry for what you experienced as a child. I admire what you have achieved and I'm sure you will achieve much more. I also admire that you want to help others, and I think you have the ability to do that.


Thank you.


PS: If I can find time, I'd like to translate your book into German. Are you ok with that?

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Hello Yeravos :)


I've just finished reading your book. It has a good message in it and a lot of helpful tips for people who want to start journaling.

It also amazes me that you've only been journaling since some time last year and have already made such great progress. Maybe you could do a follow up book in another year? :)


There are some grammar and spelling problems I've noticed. I'd suggest letting a native English speaker look at it. I'm not very good with things like comma placement myself so I would be of limited use to you. Little mistakes (like the occasional word that's left out by accident) can be a distraction from the message.


Some time during your journaling example you mention that the Inner Critic and the Rebel are not the Self. Though aren't they all pieces of the Self which have gone extreme in some way and need to be pulled back in to the fold?


All in all an enjoyable and helpful read! :)

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Hello Yeravos :)


I've just finished reading your book. It has a good message in it and a lot of helpful tips for people who want to start journaling.

It also amazes me that you've only been journaling since some time last year and have already made such great progress. Maybe you could do a follow up book in another year? :)


There are some grammar and spelling problems I've noticed. I'd suggest letting a native English speaker look at it. I'm not very good with things like comma placement myself so I would be of limited use to you. Little mistakes (like the occasional word that's left out by accident) can be a distraction from the message.


Some time during your journaling example you mention that the Inner Critic and the Rebel are not the Self. Though aren't they all pieces of the Self which have gone extreme in some way and need to be pulled back in to the fold?


All in all an enjoyable and helpful read! :)

Hi Dibble, thank you for the kind words! :)


To answer your question, I would say that there are two ''types'' of self involved. The self you alude to are the parts of us that aren't defensive, snappy etc, but are our true emotional experiences and thoughts, our mecosystem. Then, there is the Self which I write about in my book, which is a seperate part in our self (mecosystem), that acts as the natural leader, organizer and listener. In short, our ''self'' is our genuine, honest mental landscape, while the ''Self'', is part of that landscape.


I hope that makes sense, if not feel free to ask for clarification :)

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