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An effective was to enlighten minds

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I have found a reasonably effective way for bring enlightenment to people. I have been going to hospitals and putting flyers on peoples cars that read one of two things. If the car looks like a conservative owns it (republican bumper sticker, anti Obama, extra.) The flyer reads "Hope you enjoyed your "free" health care." It then says Please watch "How government solved the health care crisis." 

If the car looks like a democrat (democrat sicker, Pro Obama, extra.) The flyer reads, "Hope you enjoyed your new and improved health care experience." Please watch "How government solved the health care crisis." If I see a person with anything passionate on there car or even an old car the note reads, "Are you like your health care?" Please watch blah blah blah.  I also have my email for contact. Every now and then I get the occasional right winger who never even watched the video sending me an angry email or a democrat not willing to let go. But for the most part the emails I get are heart felt people who didn't know and want to know more. I direct them to watch Stefan's "the story of your enslavement." read Adam Kokesh's "Freedom" and finally watch "Anarchy awesome speech". If they do I ask them to talk about it with at least three people they know. Three other people they know, People that where like they where. Finally I ask them to support free domain radio and Adam Kokesh and learn all they can. It hasn't been super successful but every person's who's eyes have been opened will not be closed again.

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In your title, you say effective. Do you keep track of how many fliers you put out and how many people contact you?


You're placing things on people's cars based on something that's been placed on people's cars. You don't even know if the person who will receive your flier is the one who put the sticker on there. Can communicating with a car be considered to be an effective way to promote the freedom of people?


While trying to encourage people to accept property rights, could violating property rights be described as an effective way to do it?


Can you know based on a bumper sticker what conclusions a person holds AND how the arrived at those conclusions? Do you think you can change somebody's mind without these pieces of information?

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All listened and most agreed with self ownership, peaceful parenting, the free market, the non initiation of force, freedom and being active. But the problem I keep running into is making people care. The attitude I keep running into is one that basically says, "Ya your right but that's how its always been and that's how its always going to be." Its like talking to a wall sometimes. I have been looking for people who will speak out and not just go to work and watch the game.  

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Well of course you can't make someone care. All you can do is be prepared, honest, articulate, and passionate.


So when you are confronted with that argument (it's always been like this), how do you reply?


(It might be possible that you are pursuing the spray and pray tactics because you feel like you can't make any progress with the people in your life that matter. Am I off base?)

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How about this bumper sticker:



If people can't be trusted with a free market, 

They can't be trusted with a government





The government = legalized violence





Hello fellow tax-livestock

Time for a voluntary society:   visit FreeDomainRadio.com

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