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I'm confused...why isn't Islam the "motherload of bad ideas"?


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Honestly I don't think anyone knows, or perhaps it is the sum of a whole with too many minor reasons to pick on one as example. 


To be sure, the Left has been heavily invested in protecting muslims up until now.  If someone were to say "Nazism is the motherload of bad ideas" no one would rush to defend that statement.  "Well it's only the radical Nazis that want to send Jews to death camps".


If the general public were to examine the ideology of Islam and not like what they saw, they might call into question other groups the Left has protected behind the shield of political correctness, such as feminists and Jesse Jackson blacks. 

You've provided no frame of reference. I have no idea what you're talking about.

I think this is the correct link

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Maybe ignorance (by choice) is the motherload of bad ideas?


I'm thinking specifically of that quote by Socrates(?): "There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance."


I interpret the quote with knowledge as a dedication to consistency, accuracy, and discovery which will lead to such conclusions as the NAP, the free-market, and charity etc. (what could be called good).  :turned:


Are we discussing subjective opinions here?


(I may have misunderstood the intent of the original post...)

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Let me clarify.  I don't see how the left finds anything redeemable about Islam, or any religion for that matter.  It's all counter to "liberal ideals."  Why are they so horrified by Sam Harris's statement?  You would think they would applaud Harris for calling Islam out for what it is; just another deranged mystical cult, except with a little more "hot sauce" on it then other deranged mystical cults.

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Its actually kind of hilarious, imo.  Its this like internal battle within the left, because rest assured they're quite divided on this topic.  On one hand, islam is sexist and intolerant of homosexuality, divorce, abortion, etc.  Traditional lefty values.  On the other hand, some lefties think it is intolerance to condemn an individual based on his affiliation with a larger group.  (unless you're white, male or christian).  Its only funny because its such a clear contradiction that it practically single-handedly disproves the entire social justice ideology of the left.  


Its like the right with small government and large military, these just super incongruous world views.  

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The essence of cultural marxism is that no belief system is bad if someone follows it. It's the "whatever floats your boat if it works for you" idea. The point was to undermine culture and get a foothold for communist ideas. I've had better luck saying "all religions are bad" than in pointing out that some particular aspect of Islam, Christianity, or Judaism is bad.

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The Left are unable to distinguish between classes and the individual. This is why they are divided on this issue. They applaud 'tolerance' as a virtue of course and elements of the left have managed to make hatred of religion as breaking that solemn virtue.


It is hilarious as Josh points out. It's a similar problem for leftists like Tfoot and the Amazing Athiest have when they confront feminism.

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About 2-3 percent of Americans are muslim, making them a minority race.


They have a skin color other than white, which allows for racial profiling, which the left is against under most any circumstance.


According to this source:


 According to a 2007 survey by the Pew Research Center, 65 percent of the Muslim-American population are first-generation immigrants, and 61 percent of the foreign-born arrived in the 1990s or this decade.


What I believe this suggests is that muslims are just another voter base the left wants to secure. The right is in no way going to go after muslim votes, so most of the tactics the left takes is to appeal to muslims in every which way, including religious tolerance.


Most on the left who are atheists are quite opposed to Christianity, but not to islam. I believe the above theory explains this as Christians are a voting base already secured mostly by the right, meaning there is no reason to appeal to them. Actually, there is more reason to mock and criticize them, but this gets confusing as that would alienate the religious left and many independents. 


I think it is really understated that almost everything the political left does is to buy and secure votes.

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The essence of cultural marxism is that no belief system is bad if someone follows it. It's the "whatever floats your boat if it works for you" idea. The point was to undermine culture and get a foothold for communist ideas. I've had better luck saying "all religions are bad" than in pointing out that some particular aspect of Islam, Christianity, or Judaism is bad.


Yeah, the two of them, Maher and Harris, should have just condemned all religions first, and then singled Islam later in the discussion.  I think they made a tactical error.  However, Sam Harris has been making the rounds lately on evening news channels and defending his position quite well.

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About 2-3 percent of Americans are muslim, making them a minority race.


They have a skin color other than white, which allows for racial profiling, which the left is against under most any circumstance.


I had to look this up.  37% of muslims are white, the largest racial demographic of Muslims.  Then 24% black, 20% asian, and 4% hispanic.  The rest are "others"

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I had to look this up.  37% of muslims are white, the largest racial demographic of Muslims.  Then 24% black, 20% asian, and 4% hispanic.  The rest are "others"

DAMN Whities keeping us European Americans down!



(I got to claim the race card just now and it feels so good  :D )

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