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Cracked Article: 5 Ways Society Is Sexist Against Men (and how to fix it)

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A teaspoon of sugar makes the medicine go down.


I always fantasize that a brilliant and funny anarchist submits some killer comedy thing to Cracked.





How about FDR folks brainstorms some Cracked article topics?



7 Ways A Voluntary Society Fixes Almost Everything


6 Reasons Political Power Isn't the Answer


7 Logical Flaws in Politics that Everybody Overlooks


5 Rational Beliefs That Invite Attack

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In popular culture, a man who punches a woman is a bad guy who's probably cruising for a brutal death by the time the credits roll.


The end of that line was so unexpected I spit out my coffee.


There were some really funny parts to that article, but it was more of a subtle jab at MRAs than anything else. That didn't stop the insane pro-feminist comments though. (who missed that it actually supported their position rather than refuting it)

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It's similar to why it's socially unacceptable to punch children in the face. Most children are smaller and weaker than most adults, so whereas in movies like Home Alone and Dennis the Menace a child hurting an adult is played for humor, the opposite usually doesn't fly.


...except for the 80-90% of parents that strike children regularly in North America. Cracked suggests that it isn't socially acceptable to hit women just as it isn't socially acceptable to hit children fully ignoring the majority of physical abuse against children is perpetrated legally by women. If anything, it is a justification for hitting women if you subscribe to the most popular theories surrounding justice (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth).

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