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Little girls swearing sexist video - must watch

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I used to think (for some reason) that the whole "don't teach girls how not to get raped, teach boys how not to rape." thing sounded good. Then I thought about it for 5 seconds, and realized how offensive that is to men. It implicitly states that the normal state of boys and men is to rape women...even though a small percentage of men actually rape, and it can almost always be attributed to some sort of violence or power imbalance in their lives growing up. Ugh, it makes me so frustrated.

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I used to think (for some reason) that the whole "don't teach girls how not to get raped, teach boys how not to rape." thing sounded good. Then I thought about it for 5 seconds, and realized how offensive that is to men. It implicitly states that the normal state of boys and men is to rape women...even though a small percentage of men actually rape, and it can almost always be attributed to some sort of violence or power imbalance in their lives growing up. Ugh, it makes me so frustrated.

It's amazing how many people (especially other men) don't understand how offensive that position really is. I remember being a college freshman and being told that there was a mandatory meeting that all of the men (and *only* men) had to attend on the topic of rape prevention where we basically ended up being lectured by two condescending women for an hour. Not only was it incredibly insulting, but none of the men seemed to even notice. Just imagine if, instead of singling out an entire gender, the college singled out an entire race. Imagine if they looked at the statistics showing that black Americans are statistically more likely to commit a violent crime and, as a result, they required exclusively black students to attend a meeting where they would be lectured by two white people on how to not rape/murder/assault/etc. No one with half a brain would recommend such an obviously racist solution to a problem as complicated as violent crime. But for some reason, when you're talking about men (and not a race or ethnicity), it's completely acceptable . . . It's insane.

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Oh, I would attend such a rape prevention course under the premise there was an anti robbery course for blacks only - I had pointed that out.  :P  I like sexism it improves the blood circulation to the extend of bad shit crazy, so that the moral blood vessels expand. :devil::down:  That is one good reason for home schooling or unschooling, not let the little buggers visit propaganda facillities.


Do ya think the Germans got rid of uncle Schindelhuber. Not at all, his enforced school attendence prevails up to these days and if ya wanna homeschool or unschool get used to French baguettes if ya live in Europe.

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