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Government is a one hit wonder

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I constantly hear comments from statists about how unpopular anarchism is, and libertarianism in general.  They will often point out that most of the world is statist, and if anarchism is so great, why are we so small in numbers?  There are a number of obvious errors in this reasoning, mostly stemming from the involuntary nature of the state, but this still resonated with me.  Aside from the existence of the state itself, political movements and fads seem gain ground very quickly.  Wikipedia calls this the bandwagon effect, which basically means that when a politician brings up a topic, everyone starts talking about it, and very quickly it becomes a popular topic.


How to reach these sorts of people?  We drone on and on to each other, enlightening one or two people at a time, while the state can cause these huge waves in public opinion almost without even trying.  How to counter that?  That's when it hit me that we see this same phenomenon outside of the state as well, in marketing.  Especially in music, fads are created very quickly and they fade out almost as quickly.  We call these groups one-hit wonders.  The song is tolerable, maybe even catchy, so we go out and buy the CD and find the rest of the content to be garbage.  Sooner or later rather than being catchy, the song becomes redundant and in the end, it's painful to hear, so it goes away.


Obviously we understand that the state doesn't fade away.  The public gets sold on a one hit wonder, some political fad, and then we all have to live with its repetition for the rest of our lives, passing it along to our progeny until the end of time.


So that's my metaphor for the state going forward.  It's a one hit wonder that you have to listen to for the rest of your life.

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Well the reason why people lisen to the politicians like this (in this bandwagon manner) id argue is due to parenting. Thye take that authority of childhood (also teachers and other harsh and irrational peer included at side) and instinctively move and chatter like sheeple because what the politicians says must be important or the topic evokes strong position in those people and they want it done NOW.


With peaceful parenting and rational arguements and emotional connection can people really be internally chanced like this and even then its theyre own decision, some people will cling to statism even if theyre childhood is exposed or rational arguements accepted... that is because the last one is neve done; connection. True genuine connection with someone who hopefully and more than likely has to possess self knowledge.


Promoting not just anarchism and libetarianism is of massive importance if one wants chance in society; bitcoin, parenting, self-knowledge, theraphy, friend and love one genuine connection instead of brainded friends around one or money grubbing and/or stuck in childhood abuse/neglect prone husband/wife around you.


Your life needs to be better in order for make others see the light of reason and the masses chance like this when they see something importtant that cannot be denied, using ethical norm they have we should utilize "againt me" arguement mroe often too. ;)


And as for the first question: Popularity aint the truth, we muhc mod rule thinking if someone says it is. The way leaders/priests/intellectuals manipulate people prior abuse/neglect and lack of reason at home is why state persists. Anarchism is not "popular" among zombies who have thant constant need for a leash of comformoty or that personal leacsh for imagine "safetynets" :)

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