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A rap I wrote.

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I've always had trouble with writing. The criteria for what's good or better were ambiguous, ungraspable, and inconsistent. But it turns out, if you have motivation, an interest, something to say, then it kind of just flows.

I recently got inspired by Baba Brinkman who raps about unusual stuff like Canterbury tales and evolution.

I thought I'd whip up a lot of my perspectives on various things, FDR style, and it turns out it's really not that hard, once you have something to say.


My family is comprised of memes,
not genes.
To me, it seems

bias for relatives and nationalism
is just a localized form of racism.
Preference for kin
is a stone throw's away from judging by color of skin.

"You're Native American?
Here's cash in your hand!"
is just as race-based and external
as saying "You're black?
Sit in the back!"
Positive or negative, the criterion is epidermal.
Advocating affirmative action
is straight up askin'
to be chastised by the meme
of King Jr's dream.

Now sit, take a look
How does some some nigga ass gook
who shares but little more than my eye span
stack up against a kind chap or wise man
from Britain or Iran?
Why should I favor representation of Asians
over universalization of non-aggression?

I'd rather have the forward-thinking
people like Hawking and Dawkins
do well, and give TED Talks in
the limelight to rid the toxins
of boxed-in
unfalsifiable doctrines.
Just walk in
They'll put more than a chink in
that armor of irrationalism with some scientific thinking.

So I Invest
in those without conflicts of interest.
And yes,
You can probably guess
I shun dominance and conquest.

aim to be the best
like the rest
of your fellow humans who compete peacefully in the markets to bring you the internet.
If you're going to call cops to point guns at me, kindly exit stage left.

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Nice work gwho. i have always enjoyed rhyming and rap. I just went for it. kind of some self knowledge type of rap/poem.


To gain from pain

and remain sane 

despite forced shame

from those with a claim

to be moral

but just want to quarrel

and rule with power

as the inner child cowers

from abusive showers

from parents in towers

who explain through pain

with the force of a cane

to keep you tame

so you remain the same

as those who came before

spending life on the floor

left with a heart that's been tore 

not allowed to explore

or be curious for fear of the furious

why not today?

take action don't pray

so on that final day of rest

you close your eyes and say "I did my best"

so I implore you

to go and explore you. 

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Here's a bit of the same kind of thing I wrote a few days ago within an hour or so... :






I'll rearrange your thoughts, you can call me an innovator.
Making the world a better place you can call me a hater, 
Or a creator. Its whichever you prefer.
It doesn't matter to me, as long as you get what you deserve.

Changes can be big, and they can be small
But at this point, to improve the world, we've got to change it all
Welfare is the destruction, of The Family
And every war imaginable ends up in misery.
The war on drugs and the war on poverty. 
Theres more people in US prisons, than in Nazi Germany

We are forced to pay, for our own indoctrination, 
and they rob us at gun point, in the form of taxation
The system has been designed, to lack a system,
So everytime they exploit, not a mind is given
To the insanity. The mayor of toronto, broke testimony,
He broke a few laws, including smoking some crack, 
But people don't seem to be talking about the facts.
The man had to converse and connect with other people,
But not a single politician, pointed out his that he was evil
The incompetence of the government is completely absurd
But I have seen enough from them, its time they get what they deserve
Join the free market, and support voluntary transactions, 
Otherwise don't pretend that you're for peaceful interactions.

Why have we created, a "system" of obstacles?
Let's create awareness, and a world of objectivist goals
Permaculture is important, and so is equality, 
But if we can't stop the violence, we will never be free
Violence stems out of, abuse and neglect,
Better parenting is the only way to build a world of success

Stop believing the lies and change your perspective, 
Recognize propaganda, and other means of deception
I believe we can thrive, and create a better future
But that all depends on you, and every other individual.
As Aristotle wrote "He who has overcome his fears, will be free"
We must take into account that change will not come easily

Personal gain, and incentives are a large part of life.
While we recognize these things, we must choose what is right
Im glad I've expressed myself, very openly,
We must live with ethics, and life virtuously
If we want meaningful connections, we must aim for that
Be yourself, no one else, and don't settle for less.

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A rap I wrote about Bitcoin:


You think you rich wit yo bits, nothin smaller than coins in my mits


You countin money in yo change address, I'm wit yo girl changin outta her dress


Niggas tryina rob me will never guess, how to send from this M-of-N address


You think you hard wit yo Coinbase vault, my offline Armory wallet won't ever fault


No counterparty risk in my situation, when you get goxxed you'll lose the elation


Still waitin for the Trezor hardware to arrive, these web wallets toutin security are all lies


Linux PC's still hard for the general public, but its worth the security when the price goes hyperbolic


International wires cost me a percent of three, while all my bitcoin transactions have cleared no fee


The dollar used to buy more, bitcoin used to buy less


FinCEN tracking all dollar spends, no log-in needed for this address


What can it buy? A dell, an egg, a stock, a sock


How bout the dollar? A death, a bomb, a cage, a lock

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