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How are social programs dangerous?


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There's an abundance of shared music on the internet. What makes you think I can monetize it?


Why are you asking me? You look for a market or you specialize into a market that will pay you for it. Goodness you could even monetize your your music on YouTube like many musicians already do.


The fact that you say you cannot monetize it, says you wouldn't be spending your time producing music if it wasn't for the handouts. 


And hey, you knew this was going to be the reaction you were going to get right? Coming to a forum that holds personal responsibility and the free market as high values. So I can only suspect (whether you realise it or not), you are here to troll us as Dylan suggested.


Find you're own way in the world and you'll feel infinitely more satisfaction with your music. Best of luck to you.

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There's an abundance of shared music on the internet. What makes you think I can monetize it?


Thank you for making my point about confessing you don't think you could meet your goals by way of voluntary means. Another question I now have is: If you had the expectation that you could not thrive in that industry, why would you choose that as a means of making money at all?


Doctors orders that I recieve benefits due to my condition.


What kind of doctor has the authority to order you to steal from your countrymen?

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Thank you for making my point about confessing you don't think you could meet your goals by way of voluntary means. Another question I now have is: If you had the expectation that you could not thrive in that industry, why would you choose that as a means of making money at all?



What kind of doctor has the authority to order you to steal from your countrymen?



cause I enjoy making and sharing music. And you speak about voluntary means as if social conditioning leads you to believe that there aren't social pressures in any interaction. There's pressure in the actions of selling and buying. Only the elite have the ability to trade voluntarily as they have no worry about money. It's all pressures

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cause I enjoy making and sharing music. And you speak about voluntary means as if social conditioning leads you to believe that there aren't social pressures in any interaction. There's pressure in the actions of selling and buying. Only the elite have the ability to trade voluntarily as they have no worry about money. It's all pressures



I enjoy playing videos games. That doesn't mean I get to have people steal from you and give it to me if I can't find somebody to pay me to do that. Your response didn't answer my question.


Can you give an example of what "social pressure" looks like? Can you elucidate as to what is meant by "the elite"? How are they fundamentally from those who do not meet your criteria of being the elite that the non-elite are free to steal to meet their goals? Would you be willing to abandon these conclusions if they were shown to not be an accurate description of the real world?

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I enjoy playing videos games. That doesn't mean I get to have people steal from you and give it to me if I can't find somebody to pay me to do that. Your response didn't answer my question.


Can you give an example of what "social pressure" looks like? Can you elucidate as to what is meant by "the elite"? How are they fundamentally from those who do not meet your criteria of being the elite that the non-elite are free to steal to meet their goals? Would you be willing to abandon these conclusions if they were shown to not be an accurate description of the real world?violence




If you enjoy videos why havent you taken it proffesionally? And so you know how miniscule the percent I get from the state? Wouldn't you be better suited time wise to speak out against the military industrial complex. I think your priorities are skewed


Pressures like the transaction of money for product or service. What if the person doesn't have the money. If you're an elite you have nothing to worry about. People only steal when they're poor due to structural violence

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So you're not going to answer the questions and instead will resort to baseless personal attacks. Got it.


I'll leave you with something you'll just ignore anyways: Money is stored value. Those who don't engage in immorality store this value by providing value for others. Not having stored value is not an accident of nature. It's directly related to how much value a person provides for others.

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So you're not going to answer the questions and instead will resort to baseless personal attacks. Got it.


I'll leave you with something you'll just ignore anyways: Money is stored value. Those who don't engage in immorality store this value by providing value for others. Not having stored value is not an accident of nature. It's directly related to how much value a person provides for others.

What questions do you have?


If you don't see a problem with hourding. You have a problem. Its the structural system that makes and keeps people poor. If you don't see anything wrong with 1 percent of the population owning 40% of the worlds wealth. You have a problem. Money is debt. Its created out of debt and if we were to pay that debt there would not be one dollar in circulation

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What questions do you have?


If you don't see a problem with hourding. You have a problem. Its the structural system that makes and keeps people poor. If you don't see anything wrong with 1 percent of the population owning 40% of the worlds wealth. You have a problem. Money is debt. Its created out of debt and if we were to pay that debt there would not be one dollar in circulation


You may be in the wrong forum to school people on the inflationary nature of fiat currency. Most of us have at least audited Austian Econ 101, so to speak.


By the way, hording (or saving) doesn't cause debt. The artificially low interest rates via central banking stimulate debt. Yesterday, the Fed announced an end to the bond buying program euphemistically known a Quantitative Easing. We've got some bumpy road ahead to navigate as the deflationary boomerang comes home to roost. The next twelve to twenty-four months should be interesting to say the least!

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Very good.

due to structural violence

Structural violence is a superstition but if you believe in it then anarcho-capitalists won't stop you from pursuing your own structure. Why do you bring this crap to us?

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Very good.

Structural violence is a superstition but if you believe in it then anarcho-capitalists won't stop you from pursuing your own structure. Why do you bring this crap to us?


Very good.

Structural violence is a superstition but if you believe in it then anarcho-capitalists won't stop you from pursuing your own structure. Why do you bring this crap to us?


gandi once said that povery is the worst forms of violence. Structural violence has killed more than any dictator genocide war put together

gandi once said that povery is the worst forms of violence. Structural violence has killed more than any dictator genocide war put together

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If you believe that then why are you bringing it to us? 

cause you seem to have a lack of empathy for the poor. With your constant disregard of social programs. taking on faith that the free market would instill charities for. Which in my view is absurd

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cause you seem to have a lack of empathy for the poor.


Are you interested in a discussion about how government intervention has actually made things harder for the poor than they would be without such intervention? How about a discussion about how the poorest in the USA are better off than the majority of the rest of the people in the world?

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Naer, you lack empathy for people who work every day and are expropriated by the State.


None of this has anything to do with helping the poor.


This is about your fecklessness.

You are assuming one that gets state benefits don't work. Again its not my fault the state exist. It is simply an extension of free market capitalism

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Rather than give your music away as you earlier said you did, why not try to monetize it?


Giving it away to people whilst on the govt cheese is way too easy.

You know how I know his music is lousy? He's not out making money off it, but telling people on the internet that he should be paid for breathing.

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I think the stubborn confirmation bias apparent in this thread has clearly answered the question of how social programs are dangerous: they are blinding.  When the economic incentives are skewed against providing the market with quality goods and services, price is distorted, and all sorts of erroneous justifications are formulated in the minds of the beneficiaries of social programs.  I doubt there is anything I can write that will change anyone's mind that is so thoroughly entrenched, but it may be interesting to consider the role of private charities in the absence of social programs.  A prime example is that of the LDS Church.


Rothbard wrote extensively about the success of their welfare program, and it has nothing to do with the state.  In For a New Liberty, page 149, he writes, "A highly successful private welfare program in the present-day is the one conducted by the three-million-member Mormon Church. This remarkable people, hounded by poverty and persecution, emigrated to Utah and nearby states in the nineteenth century, and by thrift and hard work raised themselves to a general level of prosperity and affluence."  The differences between the Church's program and the state program are fleshed out, and it is clear why the private system experiences infinitely greater success.


So not only is it shown that private charity does take the place of public welfare; it is exponentially more successful in achieving the ends of eliminating poverty, because in a private setting there is no incentive for stagnation, whereas in a political arena, the incentive will always be to maintain an underclass of desperate, needy voters.

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