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                                                                I think? No I know.


I’m tired today. I think? No I know. I’m tired every day. I awoke form my sleep which was a little too little to start a day a little too long. I traveled a road a little too narrow for a little too fair. I worked at my job a little too long a little too hard. I came home to a family I’ve known a little too little for a little too long.  This is the only way?  That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know I’m tired today.

I was watched today. I think? No I know. I’m watched every day. I feel eyes at work and eyes at the mall. The feeling has stopped being so small. They were listening too it’s not really new. This I knew because I was told it was true. They said they weren’t at first but now they fear the worst. They aren’t watching me I’m not paranoid right all I have to do is not put up a fight? This is the only way? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was watched today.

I was lied to today. I think? No I know. I’m lied to every day. The disappointment around me makes me so sad that honistally I can’t even bring myself to get mad. I was promised this and my neibor that it would come from our fat. I gave them my vote they say I have because of their mote and I hoped and I prayed. It hasn’t come yet, it’s my neibor I’ll bet. For I am good because I stay while they have gone the other way and surely ruined the deal. This is the only way? That’s what they stay. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was lied to today. 

I was robbed today. I think? No I know. I’m robbed every day. For you see new laws they pass and this brings robbers with costumes instead of masks to take that which was never there’s. It’s not so bad we all say most hid something away but in the end everyone pays. Some don’t even feel the hand the same as cattle with a brand but I feel it every day. There is no other way? Or so they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was robbed today.

I was scared today. I think? No I know. I’m scared every day. For you see their weapons, they flash and with clubs they will bash any whom stand in the way. I want to see old age and so I’m scared of the cage who’s snare never let’s go. Most never hear the screams of the land be it from the fox or the lamb but I can never seem to find peace. This is the only way? That’s what they stay. I think? No I know. Just like I know I was scared today.

Someone was taken today. I think? No I know. Someone is taken every day. For the taxes buy cuffs and with but a whim they can snuff dreams and lives alike. I just wanted to be safe and I know their pain I will never have to face unless I step up to the mic. And the beast O how it hungers and it is little wonder that the work will never be done. This is how it must be? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know someone was taken today.

Someone was raped today. I think? No I know. Someone is raped every day. For though you don’t hear the screams they are what make up others dreams or anger, revenge and pain. For this is what we have bought though it was something we never sought our sight being violent and vain. This is what they serve while saying it’s what they deserve a life without the light. This is how it must be? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know someone was raped today.

Someone was murdered today. I think? No I know. Someone is murdered every day. For with death they will strike at even the smallest of tikes if they happen to be in the way. Booms must be sold or the pockets will grow cold and dame to hell the cost! Fill your heart with hate and they will find the rate and forever is how long it will stay. And when all have died and your mind it is fried we will forget what we have lost. This is how it must be? That’s what they say. I think? No I know. Just like I know someone was murdered today.

In every way this was your day no madder what they say. Is this how it must be? Can we do better? Do you think or do you know? Just like you know what just happened today.



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