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Feminist Utopia: The definitive expression of the goals of feminism

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I think the definitive treatise on the goals of feminism has finally been written.  I won't spoil all of it, but here is a sampling of one of the key steps to achieving femi-topia:


I dream for concrete, down-to-earth, simple and easily applicable measures of stepping out of patriarchy into a female-loving, biophilic world. ... All of men’s (alive and euthanised) belongings, property, resources and land will be confiscated from men and handed back to female care and supervision



It goes on for some length.  I especially like how mass extermination is portrayed as simple and down-to-earth. 


The part that bothers me is not that some kook wrote this.  It's that her publication of it will prompt zero reaction from this sick society we live in. 


Imagine of someone wrote something comparable about men, blacks, Jews or government agents, and called for similar actions to be taken to achieve those goals. The site would be taken down and the FBI would be on his doorstep within a week. 

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Feminism has gotten to a point where it's just self-limiting bigotry. It's funny when you think about it. It destroys the minds of its adherents and alienates everybody that's not a feminist or male. Thus the members are too stupid to figure out how to further the agenda and the people left that are able of furthering such an agenda don't want to have anything to do with it.

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Is this the same feminist blogger who wrote that "All PIV (penis inserted in vagina) is rape?" I think it is. We are all alive because of rape and female oppression!


Well, Magnus, the problem is we can't be sure if this anonymous blogger is a bigoted MRA disguised as radical feminist to erode the progress towards universal equality for everyone but rich, privileged, white men. This is why we can't speak out against it. It's a ruse! Duh...


Edit: I couldn't finish it. It's too much to stomach. I agree with her on making schooling autonomous (from the state). It's true that you can find a gem hidden in a pile of dung.

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