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Looking for podcast on worshipping gods due to their power


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Hi guys, I've listened to  a podcast a while ago where Stef talked about the worship of gods, and whether that is because they are virtuous or because they have power. It's title is not exactly on this topic, or maybe this was the ever present tangent :) It's probably an early-ish one, below 1500 I'm guessing. Little help please?





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I don't know if this recent video is what reminded you of the podcast you're thinking of (not sure either, sorry) - but the recent discussion with a Christian below reminded me of what convinced me to leave the religion of my parents:


The acceptance that Christianity (and by extension other religions) is ultimately "Might is Right". (Supposed Creative Power = Over-ride of all basic ethical principles.)


From the question around 16:40 on, specifically mentioned at around 40:40. 
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