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Graphical Intro to Philosophy in various languages. Artists wanted!


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Hey guys, what do you think about a remake of the old Intro to Philosophy series as graphical fun videos, i.e. hand drawn or rendered that can be voiced over in any language?


Do you know any artists who can help with drawing? We can start with one to get some feedback.



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Hey guys, what do you think about a remake of the old Intro to Philosophy series as graphical fun videos, i.e. hand drawn or rendered that can be voiced over in any language?


Do you know any artists who can help with drawing? We can start with one to get some feedback.




I really like the idea.  I know a few artists whom are looking for work, but they all have different mediums/styles.  What kind of style/medium did you have in mind?  For some reason, when I initially considered the concept, my visualization of a successful series can only be described as post-modern/steam-punk/anime.  I'm excited, though.  I will correspond with some of the freedom-loving, artistic individuals I know.

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Hey guys, what do you think about a remake of the old Intro to Philosophy series as graphical fun videos, i.e. hand drawn or rendered that can be voiced over in any language?


Do you know any artists who can help with drawing? We can start with one to get some feedback.



I think it's a good idea.  You should post a script or rough storyboard to sell your idea further.  Animation is a lot of work you know.  Your idea might be an easier sell if an artist had a precise idea of what/how you wanted to achieve your goal.

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Thanks guys. I'm a software architect, I usually feel what looks good and usable, but I can't draw from scratch. I think we should first find artists who would be willing to participate in creating these videos, potentially promoting themselves too as these videos in multiple languages gain views and likes over time. The actual style of the videos will depend on the skillset of the artist. I imagined animated videos, for example marker drawing on a whiteboard or cartoon-style objects interacting with each other.

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Firstly, I like to draw, but I don't have any skills with adobe after effects or photoshop so I'm just putting this out there to help out in some way.

Here are some ideas and a possible route for a script I see. Please let me know if this helps.


I think a small cartoon version of Stef could be a staple in these presentations, which could silently act out the podcast.

So, in Pt. 1, Stef begins by giving some of the definitions of philosophy that he found in a Google search. Here, Stef-toon could be on a computer or reading from pieces of paper showing different emotional reactions to each of the definitions. The first would be indifference, then pleasure, and revulsion.

One of the definitions is the Greek derivation of philos (love) and sophia (wisdom). Stef-toon is wearing a toga and Socrates appears for Stef to give him a big hug and kiss on the cheek.



And so it would go.

Let me know if this idea seems workable or if there is a better way of scripting an animated video or maybe animations would be too complex and time consuming.

If someone could possibly use this to make these animations I'd be glad to continue working on these.



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Thanks guys. I'm a software architect, I usually feel what looks good and usable, but I can't draw from scratch. I think we should first find artists who would be willing to participate in creating these videos, potentially promoting themselves too as these videos in multiple languages gain views and likes over time. The actual style of the videos will depend on the skillset of the artist. I imagined animated videos, for example marker drawing on a whiteboard or cartoon-style objects interacting with each other.


From personal experience, trying to coordinate an animation project with strangers is extremely difficult. I volunteered to do something similar for Stef's documentary, and the entire team fell apart.  The head person just disappeared and the only other animator did 3d animation while I did 2d.  I highly recommend you check out this:





Or these:






It is an entire kit of pre-drawn animated characters and objects you can easy manipulate inside Adobe After Effects.  It could turn your project from months of organizing people to a few days of work on your own.  


They're really easy to learn how to use, and After Effects works similar to most video editors.  If you can't manipulate these drawings, how do you plan to contribute to an animation?

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Thanks for the input guys. The after effects kits look pretty cool!


This made me thinking that my initial idea of having one language independent video may be not possible. It seems like the video has to have some key points in text. So we will have to translate the text to make multilingual versions. Josh, correct me if I am wrong, this should be relatively easy to change the vector text in the after effects kit into a different language, right? The animations will remain the same as long as we don't make them too culture specific.


That would be funny to create a Stefbot character to appear in these videos ))


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