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:D My anti-feminist YouTube Channel :D

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I subscribed too. You brought up many excellent points in the Sandman response.

From what I have observed, there are some parallels between the MGTOW and Feminist communities. It's common for both to employ statistical self-victimization to justify their positions (difference - one side's statistics are actually true while the other's are fictitious). They also tend to ridicule the biological needs of the opposite gender while promoting their own above all else.

I identify with Paul Elam and company as well as the Honey Badger Brigade when it comes to gender issues.

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I subscribed too. You brought up many excellent points in the Sandman response.


From what I have observed, there are some parallels between the MGTOW and Feminist communities. It's common for both to employ statistical self-victimization to justify their positions (difference - one side's statistics are actually true while the other's are fictitious). They also tend to ridicule the biological needs of the opposite gender while promoting their own above all else.


I identify with Paul Elam and company as well as the Honey Badger Brigade when it comes to gender issues.


Overall, the concept of MGTOW doesn't bother me, but it's the rhetoric presented by the more popular YouTube videos. I'm not sure how pervasive the attitude is in the general population, but Vloggers like Sandman seem more interested in griping about women instead of what a healthy form of the MGTOW philosophy would be: defining yourself independent of outside influence (including female romantic partners).

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Overall, the concept of MGTOW doesn't bother me, but it's the rhetoric presented by the more popular YouTube videos. I'm not sure how pervasive the attitude is in the general population, but Vloggers like Sandman seem more interested in griping about women instead of what a healthy form of the MGTOW philosophy would be: defining yourself independent of outside influence (including female romantic partners).



The most prominent MGTOW Vloggers seem to be pushing their own specific ideas and want to be treated like gurus. When Paul Elam called them out on this, Sandman gave quite a hostile response attempting to paint him as some sort of traitor to the cause.

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The room has terrible acoustics, and the phantom power on my input is kind of crap so the gain kills the sound quality. :(


You can instantly improve the acoustics of this setup. Turn down that gain and get closer to the mic (a "fist" away from the chin is best) so your dynamics are barely making the overload blink when you are animated in your speech. Cover those reflective flat surfaces in the back of the room with a bookshelf (or a http://arqen.com/sound-diffusers/). If you insist on the mic being off axis like that, put a carpet square on the wall opposite, because that first reflection is awful. If you are just above a desk, consider putting a blotter or a mat down upon it. If you are looking at a computer monitor, try to angle it away from the microphone because it's just another flat sheet of reflection just trying to kill you.


If you can put an equalizer into the chain, roll off below 60Hz, and adjust three bands for maximum intelligibility (fundamentals dones from 85Hz to 250Hz, vowels at 350Hz-2KHz, consonants at 1.5KHz-4KHz). Roll off those Sses at the top end (sibilance) from 4KHz to 7KHz.  I tend to boost 2K 4dB and 4K 5dB and cut dramatically <60Hz and >6KHz.


All of this means you need to run some tests and listen to them closely to see the effect. Pick what pleases you.

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Overall, the concept of MGTOW doesn't bother me, but it's the rhetoric presented by the more popular YouTube videos. I'm not sure how pervasive the attitude is in the general population, but Vloggers like Sandman seem more interested in griping about women instead of what a healthy form of the MGTOW philosophy would be: defining yourself independent of outside influence (including female romantic partners).

Pleiades, I want to compliment you on the channel. You are certainly very well spoken and I look forward to seeing the rest of the videos over time.

I have a query. I watched the Sandman video already and I think your overall approach is quite balanced ie there are good women out there and how you develop yourself and attract women matters alot.

I had a negative emotional reaction to the part where you talked about Sandman though at the start of the video. When you talked about how "something" happened to him to make him this way (paraphrasing here, and please correct me if I'm incorrect). I think it was unfair to cast an aspersion on the motives of Sandman based on something you heard but would not repeat. It was poisoning the well to some extent and colouring peoples perception of him based on hearsay. Now, you may have the correct info, I have no idea, but in terms of fairness I think you should either say something straight out and allow it to be refuted or corrected or not mention it at all. Furthermore, your approach is balanced IMO to women and the possibility of good relationships. Solid arguments in favour of this proposition would IMO be a better servant to you than throwing aspersions on proponents of alternative views. To be clear, I watch Sandman and I think he has alot to offer in terms of educating men to the dangers in relationships and many of the choices men must make. He gives his rationale and evidence also but admittedly veers into sophistry and exaggerative speculation at times perhaps at times painting all women with the same brush. But I think it is the audiences decision on what to take on board and what to dismiss. Pointing out fallacies, inconsistencies and generalisations etc is fine.

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I had a negative emotional reaction to the part where you talked about Sandman though at the start of the video. When you talked about how "something" happened to him to make him this way (paraphrasing here, and please correct me if I'm incorrect). I think it was unfair to cast an aspersion on the motives of Sandman based on something you heard but would not repeat.


D: Wow. I honestly never considered it that way! D:


You are 100% correct about what I said, but my intention wasn't to poison the well, so to speak. But you are right. I should have just said nothing at all.


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The room has terrible acoustics, and the phantom power on my input is kind of crap so the gain kills the sound quality. :(

I gotta 2nd shirgall. But I think your phantom power is not working at all. That is how it sounds to my ears. I have the exact same mic and I can tell you. Even if the room is complete shit for acoustics, that is not the effect you should get from that mic at all. It sounds like since your phantom power is not working, then you are basically using a large diaphragm condenser like a stage dynamic mic and then adding gain in post. Check your DI settings or consider getting another DI or even getting a preamp or a dedicated phantom power supply. Wow, I am a real psycho about audio stuff. Hope that is helpful, but I am sure you want this thread to be about your content. So I hate to be annoying about it. But I know, maybe you have this experience too, I trust and relate to someone more on youtube when they have put in the effort to have good production quality. Like when I see a video from a laptop mic/camera I just know that what usually follows is poor content. It is just my prejudice I suppose. But I have noticed that people who take care in the production department also take care of the content department. Every-time I feel like I am dumber after watching a video I always say to myself "you saw the red flags" and poor production is almost always the first red flag...

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I noticed that some of the videos did have better audio quality than the one which prompted me to ask, but Shirgall's advice is good.  The closer the mic is to your face the less room tone you'll get.  I don't know if that's a Rode, but if so that's the same mic I use for doing the voiceovers for work and it should sound excellent.  (preamp matters of course) But then, the video is 240p and AFAIK the audio suffers as well at that level of data compression. But it's not a showstopper, I still listened to your videos.

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I wonder, why just stop with feminists? why not have a 'anti-sexists' page? Isnt the problem with feminists their exclusivity towards females? 


Well, I don't stop at just feminists. The video that has been discussed on this forum talks about an MGTOW user and why I feel that he's incorrect on his opinions on women.

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Pleiades, I want to compliment you on the channel. You are certainly very well spoken and I look forward to seeing the rest of the videos over time.

I have a query. I watched the Sandman video already and I think your overall approach is quite balanced ie there are good women out there and how you develop yourself and attract women matters alot.

I had a negative emotional reaction to the part where you talked about Sandman though at the start of the video. When you talked about how "something" happened to him to make him this way (paraphrasing here, and please correct me if I'm incorrect). I think it was unfair to cast an aspersion on the motives of Sandman based on something you heard but would not repeat. It was poisoning the well to some extent and colouring peoples perception of him based on hearsay. Now, you may have the correct info, I have no idea, but in terms of fairness I think you should either say something straight out and allow it to be refuted or corrected or not mention it at all. Furthermore, your approach is balanced IMO to women and the possibility of good relationships. Solid arguments in favour of this proposition would IMO be a better servant to you than throwing aspersions on proponents of alternative views. To be clear, I watch Sandman and I think he has alot to offer in terms of educating men to the dangers in relationships and many of the choices men must make. He gives his rationale and evidence also but admittedly veers into sophistry and exaggerative speculation at times perhaps at times painting all women with the same brush. But I think it is the audiences decision on what to take on board and what to dismiss. Pointing out fallacies, inconsistencies and generalisations etc is fine.


It pretty easy to wrap the brain around Sandman as he frequently talks about his family. His father is a white knight, and his mom is a narcissist. This is the universal recipe for male disposability and disaster. Show me a man or woman who didn't spawn from some variation of this family dynamic.


I'm interested in dictation and recording for my own channel. Can you recommend a decent, yet affordable headset for this? I've attempted to record and dictate with my $20 Logitech headset and it turns out horribly.

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