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Why Don't Women Want to Hear About Men's Issues?

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Over one million male infants are circumcised in America each year, and over one hundred die due to complications from this procedure.


Over two hundred thousand men are forcibly raped each year.


Why don't women want to hear about this?


I wrote a blog commemorating International Men's Day with some of my thoughts about this topic. http://www.endtheusurpation.com/home/?p=51


Please tell me what you think.



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Acknowledging that men have problems too means that the entire concept of the Patriarchy would have to be overthrown....no Patriarchy=no basis on which to make claims that women are being oppressed by society. This would be the downfall of feminism. People generally don't like having their worldview turned upside down like that. I think it was easier for me because I always doubted the existence of a patriarchy anyway, and didn't like the inconsistency of "we want equality for everyone," and "men are horrible."

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Acknowledging that men have problems too means that the entire concept of the Patriarchy would have to be overthrown....no Patriarchy=no basis on which to make claims that women are being oppressed by society. This would be the downfall of feminism. People generally don't like having their worldview turned upside down like that. I think it was easier for me because I always doubted the existence of a patriarchy anyway, and didn't like the inconsistency of "we want equality for everyone," and "men are horrible."


It's not just deconstructing ephemeral concepts like partriarchy, oppression, intersectionalism (wtf does this word mean), and feminism. It goes much deeper than that. I honestly believe that women, by and large, don't like or respect men. We are simply tools for them little better than robots. There is no empathy or curiosity. No horror when you really start to understand how much men suffer at the hands of women, and in the name of women.


In this scenario, I stumbled upon an article talking about how MRM bloggers have their underwear all bunched up over this WAM! group which is pursuing action in concert with Twitter to ban offensive channels and users, which is essentially censorship. I dare to bring up legitimate male concerns in the comments section, which is why we can't have nonsense like censorship leveled against us, and the response is, "Why are you here? This is a reproductive justice forum."


Doesn't genital mutilation count?


"This is a forum where women talk about women's issues. You are just here to derail the conversation with irrelevant man talk."


I must have missed the Women's Only sign on the home page. Why don't I have a right to be here?

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The historical narrative has been that to be manly was to not complain or ask for help but to be the fixer and doer who stoically solves the problems of his tender women around him. To die with dignity and quiet, a self sacrifice upon the altar of family. Respected and remembered.


Women dont want to care about mens issues because "real men" wouldn't need their concern.

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They have to prefer truth to delusion


They have to be willing to push through the discomfort (and sometime pain) of hearing the truth


Once they acknowledged the truth, they are forced to make changes, or admit they are not virtuous


If and when they start living the truth, this may cause conflict with many of their relationships, and they might just 'give up' and reinstate 'the lies' as truth


People avoid the discomfort of the truth at all costs, which manifests itself via defensiveness, denial, dissociation, avoidance, hysteria, substance abuse, etc.

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It's not just deconstructing ephemeral concepts like partriarchy, oppression, intersectionalism (wtf does this word mean), and feminism. It goes much deeper than that. I honestly believe that women, by and large, don't like or respect men. We are simply tools for them little better than robots. There is no empathy or curiosity. No horror when you really start to understand how much men suffer at the hands of women, and in the name of women.


I would say that the lack of empathy that you mentioned is very true; not just when it comes to them empathizing with men, but with people in general. I think that women who don't care about men, also don't care about other women, in the empathetic sense. The only reason they care about women's problems, is because they don't want these problems to happen to THEM. When I read blogs and articles by such feminists, I get the strong sense that they don't care about anyone other than themselves, and write such callousness off as being "strong." They are never satisfied with anything, either.

I know I don't have any real proof for this, but I think that instinct counts a lot in sensing empathy from one person to the next.

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Well considering the response to the first international men's issues conference many feminists don't object to hearing about the issues.  They object to them being framed as men's issues.  So you can talk about any of the subjects in the conference, a feminist said live on TV that there was no problem with the agenda.  They just don't want "men's issues" to be a thing.  I have my suspicions why.

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Well considering the response to the first international men's issues conference many feminists don't object to hearing about the issues.  They object to them being framed as men's issues.  So you can talk about any of the subjects in the conference, a feminist said live on TV that there was no problem with the agenda.  They just don't want "men's issues" to be a thing.  I have my suspicions why.


Thanks for the reply. What are your suspicions?


I don't trust the word but the deed instead. Talk is cheap. If women want forums where they can discuss their problems and solutions, men also want a forum where they are free to do so. I keep running into this sentiment that people, mainly women, do not care to hear about or incorporate men's concerns into the discussion, namely the linked topic of reproductive justice and internet censorship in the case of my original post. This is not gender equality.This is blanket sexism against men, and an active squelching of male voices who dare to have an independent position on reproduction, child abuse, parenting, and the family.


I've even faced criticism discussing men's issues here, which has not deterred me at all, but I would have thought that FDR would be one of the more tolerant forums on the internet for progressive male conversations.

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