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An Interesting New Independent Movie under production


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Synopsys: "The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic collapse, while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order.

Americans, quarantined to militarized districts, become a population ripe for tyrannical control.

Fearmongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger, oppression, violence, resistance - these are the terms by which Americans define their existence. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone becomes a terror suspect. There are arrests. Disappearances. Bio attacks. Public executions of those even suspected of dissent. Even rumors of concentration camps on American soil.


This is the backdrop to an unfolding story of resistance. American militias prepare for guerilla warfare. There are mass defections from the military as true Patriots attempt to rally around the Constitution and defend liberty, preparing a national insurgency against federal forces, knowing full well this will be the last time in history the oppressed will be capable of organized resistance.


It is a time of transition, of shifting alliance, of mass awakening and mass execution. It is an impending storm, an iron-gray morning that puts into effect decades of over-comfort and complacency, and Americans wake up to an occupied homeland. It is a time of lists. Black list, white list, and those still caught in the middle, those who risk physical death for their free will and those who sell their souls to maintain their idle thoughts and easy comforts. It is in this Gray State that the perpetuation of human freedom will be contested, or crushed. 

Is it the near future, or is it the present? The Gray State is coming - by consent or conquest. This is battlefield USA."




What do you think?

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The trailer looks really great in terms of production value.  The movie looks pretty conspiracy theory heavy though, which may serve to lead some of its audience to Alex Jones and the like rather than philosophy and voluntarism.  The trailer is also two years old, and there have been no updates on the film's YouTube channel or website in nearly a year, so the project may or may not be dead.  Making professional-grade commercial films outside of the Hollywood or tax-supported academic film circles must be murderously difficult.


Still, I'd be interested in further news about this movie if the project is still alive.

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In the US there are 7.1 military personnel for every 1000 people, which makes it seem unlikely that such a scenario could happen. It takes a lot of effort to imprison a populace with 40% firearms ownership. However, Obama did indicate he wanted a civilian police force as least as large as the military, so we could conceivably increase the number of jackbooted enforcers to 14 or 15 per 1000, After all, the Feds issue automatic weapons and sidearms and millions of "practice rounds" to the Department of Agriculture already. They test public sentiment by sending SWAT teams to collect college loans.


The zombie and epidemic end of the world movies work because they kill so many people on the outbreak, reducing population by a 100 to 1, or even 1000 to 1 ratio. There would have to be some similar level of killing to make a sudden change as seen in this trailer.

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Killing, or alternative methods of population control. The easiest way to accomplish this would be the traditional divide and conquer methodology.


For example, if that scene played out in Ferguson tonight, only a certain portion of American society would actively revolt. Many complacement people would sit around uncomfortably making justifications. Opposition to Ferguson would waffle between displaying shallow sympathies or saying they got what they deserved. The people raging about the situation in Ferguson and all that would either coalesce and fight or be scattered.


One by one you remove your enemies until none remain. Polarizing politics and tribalism makes this easier, not harder, because people aren't Americans anymore. People are white americans, black americans, asian americans, republicans, democrats, socialists, libertarians, etc. An endless see of divisive traits that have drawn people away from one another and into competing colonies of ideology. In the end the struggle will play out, and in the process, some ideas and lifestyles will go extinct - or at least fade from history for a time.



I really liked 1:50 though that was cute. It's pretty much a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point that if you're a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes you're the mascot of evil and you're going to dispassionately kill all who stand in your way. I think there are probably a lot of surfer dudes with those superficial qualities that want to smoke pot and live at peace with the earth banging hot babes but of course we're swinging back around to HEIL HITLER style propaganda. That's whatever. It's gotten to the point where I think a percentage of white people feel like blacks that are told they're gangster trash about racism and authoritarianism and just give in like, hey, fuck it. If that's who I am I'm going to own it.

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Deaths Of “Gray State” Director And Family Under Investigation



Apple Valley, MN- Police have released limited details regarding the deaths of filmmaker David Crowley, his wife Komel, and their 5-year-old daughter, but have acknowledged that the deaths are being treated as “suspicious” while an investigation is underway.


The bodies of David, Komel and their daughter were discovered on Saturday by the Crowley’s next-door neighbor, Collin Prochnow. It was reported that the bodies had been inside the home for several weeks. Prochnow said that he had not seen any activity in the Crowley’s home since around Christmas, and he had initially assumed the family was traveling during the holidays. Prochnow said that packages were accumulating on the home’s doorstep and noticed that the lights inside the house were on day and night, so he decided to check on the family’s wellbeing over the past weekend.
Prochnow looked through a window of the house and discovered three bodies, along with a handgun, laying on the floor. A dog, which was alive, was also present. Audio from police radio obtained by MnPoliceClips.com revealed that police had found “several obviously deceased bodies in the front” of the home and there was a “very angry dog inside.” Police stated that the situation appears to have been a murder-suicide.
David Crowley was a filmmaker credited with writing and directing a film called “Gray State” that has yet to be completed. The movie is about police militarization and martial law imposed in the United States and was described on its Facebook page as a film about a wounded veteran who “leads the insurgency against a corrupt Government after nationwide martial law has been declared.”
Charlie Hubbell, an actor who appeared in the “Gray State” trailer, told Twincities.com that David Crowley “seemed more grounded and focused than would lend itself to anything chaotic.”
“The entire time I worked with him there was nothing aggressive or chaotic or strange or abnormal. He was one of the ones I was hanging my hat on, one who was going to succeed,” Hubbell said.
An investigation into the deaths is ongoing.
Disclosure: The “Gray State” team supported Ben Swann’s Kickstarter effort in 2013.
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Deaths Of “Gray State” Director And Family Under Investigation

Well...that's not good.


In case anyone is curious, the rough cut of the film has been released on both YouTube:



and as a direct download here:


(Go halfway down the page, under the category of "News and Top Stories").


I haven't watched any of the film yet, so can't comment on its quality.

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