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Im interested in pissing off my "friends" :)


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So of course officer Darren Wilson was not convicted of anything and the black community is really pissed. You should see the post on my facebook feed. People are saying crazy stuff like I better make sure I walk with my hands up when walking in the street. I saw a comment under that post that say you are double screwed because you are a woman and you are black. Jeez these people cant think.


So Im trying to think of the most honest but controversial thing I can post. There is almost no one on my friends list I really care about at all now that I have gained some self knowledge. So I think it will be entertaining to get them angry. :)


Maybe there is a string of sadism in me but I find this hard to resist. I really cant wait until Steph post something about this. You guys have any ideas on things I could post?

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Might put you into an odd spot with your friends. Though you may not mind that in the long run.


I can't think of anything good, I'd just advise being aware that it might hurt your friendships in the long run. 


The issue with these topics is that if you were to attempt to talk to them about the evidence, they realize that if they are wrong that it puts them into the same awkward social situation you are in, and will overcompensate in their reaction.

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Might put you into an odd spot with your friends. Though you may not mind that in the long run.


I can't think of anything good, I'd just advise being aware that it might hurt your friendships in the long run. 


The issue with these topics is that if you were to attempt to talk to them about the evidence, they realize that if they are wrong that it puts them into the same awkward social situation you are in, and will overcompensate in their reaction.


Trust me I really dont care about these people. Philosophy has made me realize what it means to be a friend and what it means to be an acquaintance. I honestly ask myself why im still even on facebook a lot of times. But yea im not concerned about hurting my "friendships". If people dont like what I have to say they can socially ostracize me. Just like a socially ostracize myself from rapist and murders. 

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Let me ask you a question yagami. Why do you want to anger these people? I know you said it might be fun and all, but why would it be fun and how does it profit your life?


You're free to do what you want of course, but if you want to hear what a philosopher would do. Then they will always ask what is the purpose and what is the profit.

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I dont really know to be honest. Like I said before maybe I am a bit sadistic taking pleasure in watching people who cant think get upset about this kind of stuff. I dont think anyone is hurt going to be hurt by this through. If so I wouldn't have posted this. But one thing I do profit from is being socially ostracized from those who cant think. Maybe subconsciously that is what I really want. And im sure there are other ways to do this but none that amuse me so.

People who can't think rationally were victimized. I wouldn't take pleasure in torturing them.

I think torture is a bit strong but I do understand why you would say that. The more I think about it the most I think what I really do want is to be ostracized rather than to ostracize. It's a much most passive way of dealing with the problem of breaking ties with people you really dont want to break ties with. It's funny how when I think about it now I remember some of the thoughts that were going through my mind as I posted this that I had forgotten so quickly. I was thinking anyone who dislike what I have to say about this that defriends me cant think so it's a good thing they will be gone.


Thanks Patrick for asking such a simple but powerful question.

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Show them this pic.




Maybe you aren't using the proper wording. Sadism isn't a "good" value. Sometimes I kinda feel like you when I see stupid comments elsewhere, but I see it more as an opportunity to try to calmly explain how their statement is wrong or that I disagree with. If I can't do it respectfully, I restrain from interacting with them.


The way you will communicate it will make the difference between a vicious personnal attack, in which case they will retreat and at best just remove you from their friend list, and a discussion they will agree to participate in which is much more constructive.

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I think all you have to do is congratulate the system for coming to the reasonable conclusion and disdainfully chastise the animals in Ferguson for destroying their community.


For those far left people and bleeding hearts of the world the truth is massively offensive. It's to be expected though as we are talking about low IQ lawless people with short attention spans. They don't have the patience or mental acuity to take part in the democratic process and just want to throw tantrums like children when things don't go their way.


This is why the state exists. Not because the majority of state assets get off on subjugating people ( surely a few do ) but mainly because the common people need protection from these outrageous vermin. These kinds of "people" have been the enemy at the gates since the dawn of time. As long as there has been civilization there has been those who seek to undermine it and would rather live like wild creatures as opposed to civilized human beings. In a perfect world we would dissolve the state entirely and everyone would leave prosperous, virtuous, productive lives - in the real world hard working store owners have their businesses burnt down because illiterate rabble are outraged over a thug being rightly shot by police.


This systemic abject sympathy toward criminal scum will be the undoing of every great work by western culture. It is time for the lawful majority to stand together and tell these people and their handlers enough is enough. It is time for the state to return to its roots as a consensual and voluntary expression of community unity. You and your neighbors are the nation. Now is not the time for negligence and abandonment of the world's shining light. Now is the time to throw off the shackles of unrealistic permissiveness and prove the foundations of conservative conduct are what keep our countries working every day.


Piss off your "friends" by telling them that the time has come for society to wake up and remember our nations were born of blood and sacrifice to ensure the rule of law!

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