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The root problem: The Welfare Sate. 

The solution: abolish the welfare State.


Symptoms of the root problem: single mothers /single parent households, childhood abuse and neglect, low breastfeeding rates = deficient immune system and altered brain development, low-income =limited time & limited resources for education and healthcare, lack of education and lack of positive role models creates and maintains the cycle of ignorance and a belief that life is limited.


"Black mothers breastfeed at a significantly lower rate than whites. Only 8 percent of black mothers overall follow the AAP guidelines." 


We need to take action for change by getting the message out to as many people as possible that the federal government has to get out of the business of supplying millions of low income mothers with free infant formula; in conjunction with spreading awareness of the importance of two parent households, the benefits of breastfeeding, and peaceful parenting. 


We will not see any changes until parents stop causing psychological and physiological trauma to their children. It has been scientifically proven childhood trauma leads to  an interference in brain development and the immune system. When a mother neglects her baby and does not breastfeed this leads to psychological and physiological trauma. Human breastmilk has proteins absolutely necessary for optimal brain development. These proteins can not be duplicated outside of the mother's body. The antibodies in mother's milk is specifically created by her body to build her unique baby's immune system, for protection against infections/diseases in their specific environment. If a baby is not breastfed and only given artificial powdered non-human milk and left to cry-it-out every night in a crib; this is a guarantee the child will have an altered brain/immune system. This is scientific fact, with empirical evidence to back it up. When a baby grows up with a deficient immune system and their cognitive processing abilities have been altered this does not only affect the victim. Child neglect/abuse spreads like a virus, infecting everyone in the vicinity. People afflicted with trauma, who do not seek help, are at risk of suffering from more illnesses/diseases, life-long addictions/defense mechanisms, and mental health challenges.This overflows into communities like a tsunami, causing economic and social destruction.


The welfare state and mother's milk:


FACT ONE: Fifty-three percent of the infants in America participate in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) for low-income parents (at or below 185 percent of poverty level). WIC provides free infant formula to any qualifying mother who wants it. A mother does not need to show that she is among the tiny minority (about five percent) of all mothers of infants who are physically incapable of breastfeeding to receive vouchers for formula. About half of the infant formula used in the country is distributed by WIC.


FACT TWO: The total WIC budget is $7 billion.


FACT THREE: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants be breastfed exclusively for six months and with food supplements for at least a year. Most major health organizations endorse this recommendation.


FACT FOUR: The antibodies and hormones in breast milk are unique and cannot be replicated. They protect infant health and lower the incidence of asthma, gastrointestinal illnesses, ear infections, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, obesity and Type 2 diabetes.  A baby’s risk of becoming an overweight child goes down, for instance, with each month of breastfeeding. (In the US, one  in five children under the age of five is at least overweight, and half of these are obese), according to the CDC. Breastfeeding may lower the incidence of leukemia too.


FACT FIVE: Cancer rates are lower in women who have breastfed their children. Breastfeeding is linked with a lower incidence of post partum depression.


FACT SIX: According to the U.S. Dept. of Health, “The nation benefits overall when mothers breastfeed. Recent research shows that if 90 percent of families breastfed exclusively for 6 months, nearly 1,000 deaths among infants could be prevented. The United States would also save $13 billion per year — medical care costs are lower for fully breastfed infants than never-breastfed infants. Breastfed infants typically need fewer sick care visits, prescriptions, and hospitalizations.”


FACT SEVEN: There is evidence that breastfeeding increases maternal sensitivity, widely viewed as an important factor in determining overall childhood health and well-being. This does not mean that a healthy maternal bond cannot occur with a formula-fed infant, but that overall breastfeeding mothers are more attuned to their children.


FACT EIGHT: Only 15 percent of mothers overall adhere to the AAP standard. Half of all infants in the United States have been given formula within the first week of their birth. And only 31 percent are breastfeeding at all by nine months.


FACT NINE: According to George Kent, of the University of Hawaii, “Breastfeeding initiation and duration rates among WIC participants have increased dramatically over the past ten years, but they still lag twenty percentage points behind those of non-WIC participants. This statistic holds true even when controlling for socioeconomic status, geography, race/ethnicity, the age of the mother and birth eight of the baby. In other words, it appears something about the WIC program itself is producing an effect that depresses breastfeeding.”


FACT TEN: Black mothers breastfeed at a significantly lower rate than whites. Only 8 percent of black mothers overall follow the AAP standard. In general , less educated mothers breastfeed less. In former days, wealthy mothers sent their children out to wet nurses. Today, breastfeeding is a hassle for the poor and less intelligent mother who has no economic incentive to breastfeed. She may be put off by the inconvenience of feeding an infant eight to twelve times a day, is not as well read in the health literature and often has less maternal sensitivity to begin with.


IN CONCLUSION, no nation has ever commandeered the basic processes of feeding infants as dramatically as ours has. The free feeding of infants, whatever its good intentions, has institutionalized parental neglect, impoverished health and enriched manufacturers of formula. (See George Kent’s observations on the business interests involved.)


The most important solution to the disastrously low rate of breastfeeding – that the federal government get out of the business of formula feeding  - is never mentioned at all in the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding.






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I'd tell them to stop being African American and just be American. Live as whitewashed a life as you possibly can. Eat mayo and complain about rap lyrics being harmful to THE CHILDREN! Go to church. Watch news at 11pm and drink hot water. Have barbecues occasionally with a few beers. Engage in passive aggressive tactics of dominance and ostacization at work.


BOOM! One day you'll wake up in a tidy house with car payments, a wife that nags you for leaving socks laying around, and 2-3 kids. THE AMERICAN DREAM.

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"the african american community" what is that supposed to mean?


African American is a term that refers to an ethnic group in the United Sates with ancestry from Sub-Saharan Africa. The term may also be used to include individuals who are descended from African Slaves. 


As a compound adjective, the term is usually hyphenated as African-American.


The term was popularized in black communities around the country via word of mouth and ultimately received mainstream use after Jesse Jackson publicly used the term in front of a national audience. Subsequently, major media outlets adopted its use.






I personally, do not use the term, because the *one* time I did, I was corrected with, "my parents are from the Caribbean." :-)

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I'd tell them to stop being African American and just be American. Live as whitewashed a life as you possibly can. Eat mayo and complain about rap lyrics being harmful to THE CHILDREN! Go to church. Watch news at 11pm and drink hot water. Have barbecues occasionally with a few beers. Engage in passive aggressive tactics of dominance and ostacization at work.


BOOM! One day you'll wake up in a tidy house with car payments, a wife that nags you for leaving socks laying around, and 2-3 kids. THE AMERICAN DREAM.

I've never doubted their culture as the cause for the difference in intelligence.

Hopefully the red pill knowledge of this age can bring us a society in which all children have the conditions to develop as current science suggests is optimal. 


Race and intelligence

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I suggest that they mirror the Japanese American community. They were put in internment camps, lost property, learned a new language, self-segregated, and today they are wealthier and smarter than whites (on average.) Really, when I think about it, the Japanese sort of disprove most of the African American community's excuses for floundering so badly for so long.

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