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Anyone else feel somewhat depressed regarding people's dogma around political issues


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Referring to the Brown thing, of course.


Every where I go people are just mindlessly raving about this whole incident. I don't even care if they think Wilson is guilty, I just wish they would have a more level-headed, rational approach. Let's hear some arguments and at least open it up for discussion. I couldn't even suggest that Wilson might be innocent without being called a racist.


I know this is nothing new to a bunch of anarchists and atheists, it's just particularly hard when it all bubbles up during incidents like these.


The dogma fog (fogma?) is real.

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More Frustration than depression, I don't live in St Louis nor anywhere near it but i have seen highly credible evidence that the Rioters were bussed into the area for the purpose of intentionally creating the riots for political reasons, the frustration is over how the ones that are instigating this are more than likely never going to answer for their crimes short of the media somehow suddenly reporting the truth rather than pushing some political agenda or another.

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More Frustration than depression, I don't live in St Louis nor anywhere near it but i have seen highly credible evidence that the Rioters were bussed into the area for the purpose of intentionally creating the riots for political reasons, the frustration is over how the ones that are instigating this are more than likely never going to answer for their crimes short of the media somehow suddenly reporting the truth rather than pushing some political agenda or another.

Rioters were bussed in? Like, someone hired rioters, put them on a bus, and drove them to this town?

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Rioters were bussed in? Like, someone hired rioters, put them on a bus, and drove them to this town?

yes, that is it exactly, only in this case a lot more than just one bus.


as for who payed for all of it, no one has anything more than suspicions on that at this point.

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Yup they are all idiots as far as I am concerned. I've seen some absolutely ridiculous comments on my facebook feed like I better make sure I walk with my hands up or I might get shot. I just posted Steph's video he just posted with an invitation to anyone that wants to think instead of emotionally react. I doubt I will get any comments on that post though.

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I couldn't even suggest that Wilson might be innocent without being called a racist.


The psychopaths that steal from and threaten ALL OF US desperately need us to focus on each other so that we won't talk about them stealing from and threatening all of us. And that's exactly what I would tell anybody who wanted to focus on such things.


They perpetuate a system that threatens millions of people every day while stealing from the unborn. But hey, let's focus on a couple people that interacted one time, and only this, for months on end, making generalized statements about inconsequential minutia therein. Or if there's nothing so dramatic happening, let's focus on breakfast cereal flavors or what the beautiful people in Hollywood are up to, etc etc. ANYTHING to keep us from talking about whether or not humans exist in two moral categories where it's okay for one to subjugate the other.


The part of all that I find to be the most depressing is how easily people who can see through it all are goaded into it by people who can't.

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The psychopaths that steal from and threaten ALL OF US desperately need us to focus on each other so that we won't talk about them stealing from and threatening all of us. And that's exactly what I would tell anybody who wanted to focus on such things.


They perpetuate a system that threatens millions of people every day while stealing from the unborn. But hey, let's focus on a couple people that interacted one time, and only this, for months on end, making generalized statements about inconsequential minutia therein. Or if there's nothing so dramatic happening, let's focus on breakfast cereal flavors or what the beautiful people in Hollywood are up to, etc etc. ANYTHING to keep us from talking about whether or not humans exist in two moral categories where it's okay for one to subjugate the other.


The part of all that I find to be the most depressing is how easily people who can see through it all are goaded into it by people who can't.

Well said. I've been finding it very hard to not comment on many of the posts that have been appearing in my f-book feed. I am seeing people get caught up in the emotion of the narrative and I feel a desire to respond, but I know people will see my views as ignorant, or racist, or insensitive. Especially if I bring up what you just did and try to talk about the things that have an effect on all of us. That will be taking as trying to change the subject, or using the situation to push an agenda.

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Referring to the Brown thing, of course.


Every where I go people are just mindlessly raving about this whole incident. I don't even care if they think Wilson is guilty, I just wish they would have a more level-headed, rational approach. Let's hear some arguments and at least open it up for discussion. I couldn't even suggest that Wilson might be innocent without being called a racist.


I know this is nothing new to a bunch of anarchists and atheists, it's just particularly hard when it all bubbles up during incidents like these.


The dogma fog (fogma?) is real.

I try to show them empathy. Like, I say, "Well, he probably would have reacted differently if Brown were white. But why is that? Why do people see young, black men as more dangerous than anyone else?" Then I lead them to the conclusion that it's the black community's responsibility to change how they are perceived.

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Every where I go people are just mindlessly raving about this whole incident. I don't even care if they think Wilson is guilty, I just wish they would have a more level-headed, rational approach. Let's hear some arguments and at least open it up for discussion. I couldn't even suggest that Wilson might be innocent without being called a racist.


Calling you a racist because you are not black and attempting to have a philosophic discussion is a shaming tactic only racists will use against you. Personally, it's times like these when I am glad that I extricated myself from Farcebook. I assuredly would have had several dozen people on there who would have changed their avatar in a slactivist attempt to promote this "grassroots" internet campaign to refuse to buy things from white people for Christmas. I believe it is an aesthetic choice, but isn't this the real racism? How do everyone justify following one isolated wrong (which might not even be wrong) with many greater and more terrible wrongs? Most people don't realize the hypocrisy of their statements and actions.

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The mechanism of social conformity is by far the most impactful mechanism that can be employed in todays society to effect the average person. Nothing is as diverse, hard hitting and difficult to see through as this, as it is fundamental to human operation in the higher stages of needs (See: Maslow's pyramid of needs). This is a single facet of human behavior which in our time of living governs the majority (quantitatively and qualitatively) of typical peoples behavior, which is primarily why the push for "red pill knowledge" in general is so important, pretty much regardless of the content. An individual realizing this usually takes the path of breaking with the mind control employed by the mind control machine (and f.ex this) to some degree, and will resist further invasion of personal and collective freedom in all forms. And,


If our freedom is taken, our ability to to give back complete freedom is taken. *Nostalgic tuba*

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Then I lead them to the conclusion that it's the black community's responsibility to change how they are perceived.

I'm a white male and I still cringed at this sentence. I understand the logic, but I wouldn't know what to do with that statement if it was directed at me. I certainly wouldn't want to invest my time into improving the perception that less moral males, whites, and anarchists bring to my identity. I'd just rather not be collectivized.

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I'm a white male and I still cringed at this sentence. I understand the logic, but I wouldn't know what to do with that statement if it was directed at me. I certainly wouldn't want to invest my time into improving the perception that less moral males, whites, and anarchists bring to my identity. I'd just rather not be collectivized.

That's why I lead people to the conclusion rather than say it directly. People are too sensitive to hear the truth. They need to realize it themselves.

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It is very depressing indeed.  It makes me think that intelligent people are going to be mowed down and forgotten by history, that there is going to be no pull up before the crash into tyranny, and that the only possible way human society will ever reform is if there is a natural disaster which wipes out nearly the entire population of earth.  But then I wonder if one's perception of the general state of society exists only in what the individual chooses to see.  There is also a lot of despair coming from these glowing rectangles, but out in the "big blue room" the world appears largely as it did when I was a kid, and comparatively a lot happier.  I should probably go out there more often.

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