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Truth About Pierre Elliott Trudeau


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Maybe it is just me but I think that would be a very interesting topic as many from around the world still think of Trudeau when thinking of a Canadian PM. The road to ruin is traveled by many "leaders" from other nations and it'd be nice to have a quick video to point to when given the "Trudeau was awesome" line. His son being poised to further damage people in the north makes it pretty relevant.

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I don't know about the 'truth about' idea, the truth is simple really:  the initiation of the use of force is evil, therefore governments are evil.  I also know that Trudeau was in power when Canada turned over control of its monetary system to the international banking cartel - from 40 billion deficit to 500 billion in 3 decades.  I also don't think it is true that politicians are the real power behind the state, people like Trudeau and Obama are just really good public figures to have out front.  I live in Canada and I don't think it matters if Justin Trudeau gets into power or Ronald McDonald, the results will be the same.  Hey, I think I just did a 'truth about' rant!  

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You misunderstand, I am in no way making a claim that he was anything beyond horrible or necessarily any different from the vast majority of politicians. What I am saying is that there is a large public perception of him having been a positive example and this perception of him lends unjust creditability to his son. The "just watch me" mentality of Trudeau needs to be exposed.

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That's a pretty silly question to ask someone in the FDR boards. Why would any liberty lover be scared of such things? The question shouldn't be "legalizing" such things but what right or reason is there for the government to be involved in it. I am terrified at Trudeau increasing government involvement in all aspects of daily life, further limits on firearms, increasing the welfare state, limits on speech etc... I have family still in Canada.

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You misunderstand, I am in no way making a claim that he was anything beyond horrible or necessarily any different from the vast majority of politicians. What I am saying is that there is a large public perception of him having been a positive example and this perception of him lends unjust creditability to his son. The "just watch me" mentality of Trudeau needs to be exposed.

If you are worried that things will get worse in Canada because of who gets to be the public puppet, I don't share your concern.  Of course the powers that be want to put someone in the public eye that has a massive appeal to help them garner support for their programs, I don't think it matters who it is.  The problem of state power needs to be addressed from first principles.  Otherwise you end up in a left/right style debate over who should be on the throne rather than acknowledging that there should not be a throne.

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