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The Sexodus! How Men are giving up on Women and checking out of Society

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"My generation of boys is f**ked," says Rupert, a young German video game enthusiast I've been getting to know over the past few months. "Marriage is dead. Divorce means you're screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which makes them uninteresting to us for any serious relationship or raising a family. That's just the way it is. Even if we take the risk, chances are the kids won't be ours. In France, we even have to pay for the kids a wife has through adulterous affairs. 




An excellent read.

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I had no intention my entire life of ever being monogamous.  I thought, and still think, it's a ridiculous idea.


I actually tried being monogamous when in my early twenties.  I was married and utterly faithful to the same woman for two and a half years.  It nearly killed me.  I won't make that ghastly mistake again. 

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Fantastic article.


Only issue with it is the wording of the concluding sentence:


"We'll discover that the real victims of modern feminism are, of course, women themselves, who have been left lonelier and less satisfied than they have ever been."


"Real victims" conjurs the thought of "moreso than men". I don't agree with that at all. At the risk of running in the "oppression Olympics" - men initiate dating in more than 90% of instances, and male life drive IS a reflection of the sexual gatekeepers. I know women are shovelling down anti-depressants and feeling less satisfied more now than ever, but the power to change this is in their hands, at the expense only of their immediate social convenience.


The lack of empathy to reflect and call BS on such obvious and rampant misandry everywhere, does not get them a "real victims" badge.


The exception being, those brave few who will call this stuff out (never met such a woman in person, who openly would lay critisisms on their gender in a social situation) - AND still have to wade through the cess pool when dating, of males conditioned to be jerks to get any attention.




...Guilty pleasure, comment from the article:


"25% of women in the United States are on antidepressants or other psychoactive drugs. This statistic is frightening because it means the other 75% is walking around untreated..."

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Women today are schooled in victimhood, taught to be aggressively vulnerable and convinced that the slightest of perceived infractions, approaches or clumsy misunderstandings represents "assault," "abuse" or "harassment."




The result of so many men not learning the skills of interacting with women is that all women end up chasing the few remaining alpha players who do have the necessary social skills.




 The young men who are struggling the most are conflicted because they are operating under the assumption that feminists are arguing in good faith,



Is feminism just a giant shit test?

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"Real victims" conjurs the thought of "moreso than men". I don't agree with that at all. At the risk of running in the "oppression Olympics" - men initiate dating in more than 90% of instances, and male life drive IS a reflection of the sexual gatekeepers. I know women are shovelling down anti-depressants and feeling less satisfied more now than ever, but the power to change this is in their hands, at the expense only of their immediate social convenience.


Your post made me think about something Stefan has pointed out about socialized medicine in Canada. The first generation under socialized medicine benefited greatly at the expense of the next. Feminism is just another state-funded social program. It's fantastic for the first generation of women, but the next generation reaps the unforeseen side effects, and none of the benefits. Since we are only halfway through the second generation, the progressive flavor of feminism is steadily going rancid. In the next fifteen years, we will see a total reversal and an outright damning of feminism as a destructive government program.

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