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Propoganda in higher education


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I wasn't sure where to post this because it kind of has a mix of a few topics so im posting it here. So without getting into too much detail about my companies internal workings I have been sitting in on lectures with students for the past month of so. Im monitoring the session to make sure everything goes smoothly from a technical perspective.


The classes I have been listening to have all be HR courses and let me tell you if you ever had any question of how much the government is involved in business just sit in on one of these classes. There are a crazy amount of rules that have to be followed I cant imagine working in HR. But that isn't what im posting about. A lot of these classes have been doing a lot of talking about the minimum wage and it's just really sad how the students just eat this crap up about a "living wage". I want so bad to turn on my mic and say you are all freaking retarded and you call yourselves educated!


The professors just say provocative things then sits back and lets everyone discuss how horrible it is people live under bad conditions. Tonight im sitting in this class and they talk about how little teachers get paid compared to other professions. How important they are and how we should value them more. Apparently they need more money as a greater incentive to teach better.


It's not just that there is all kinds of stuff about how we need certain laws to protect people from business. They talk about the government like a caring mother looking after her children. 


These courses are by no means some low grade school with bad professors. I work for a pretty large higher educational company which is what makes it sad. Im just glad after this week I wont have sit in on these sessions anymore for at least a month during winter break. Until then I'll have to restrain myself from turning on my mic. 

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My hope is that modern education is so bad and boring that people seek alternative ways to learn things... and that they instill in themselves insatiable thirst for truth and knowledge.


I found college to be incredibly behind the times in regards to my Computer Science degree at the time, so that put me on a path of constant exploration. I admit my Bachelor's Degree was simply a piece of paper to me... and this was back in the late 1980's.


The stories I see out of Highed Education nowadays make me wonder if anyone learns anything useful at all.

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From my experience at university which I still have a year and a half left (i'm studying philosophy) I am regretting even going in a lot of ways. They are pretty much like left-wing indoctrination camps.


A lot of these classes have been doing a lot of talking about the minimum wage and it's just really sad how the students just eat this crap up about a "living wage". I want so bad to turn on my mic and say you are all freaking retarded and you call yourselves educated!


The professors just say provocative things then sits back and lets everyone discuss how horrible it is people live under bad conditions. 

Like you said here, I took a few classes of Sociology and that's the worst I've had of it so far - literally just a place for feminists and marxists to sit in an echo chamber and have their ideologies re-affirmed to them without ever having to engage critically with the core concepts behind what they believe! Which is NOT education. It's really really sad because a lot of smart people go out there into the world thinking more taxes and more government welfare programs are the path to revolution. EVERYTHING has a socialist spin on it, even in my Philosophy classes whenever we are doing stuff about ethics we only ever talk about these State supporting trolley problems in which perpetuates these utilitarian views of sacrifice some for 'the greater good'. I mean I've gotten the chance to write from a Libertarian stand point this year with my Aristotle class but the actual students and lectures are of an awful standard. Can't wait to get out of there and do some proper learning :happy:  

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I went to art school, and rarely encountered feminists/marxists/etc., especially within my sound major and social circles.


I imagine it has something to do with the open-ended nature of study (lack of conclusion-based-teaching) combined with a drive for high performance and busy schedules (practical action and relationship building).  :turned:

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