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Violence against the government?

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since the protest/occupying in Hong Kong almost a month an half ago, my social network's news feed have been filled with talks about the police beating the people. From one of the comment, it posted an image saying "it is illogical to imagine using non-violence can accomplish goals." The first thing I thought is violence must not be used at anytime unless one's life is being threaten. Then I thought, how can be stop the government going against us without the use of violence? We are under its control and I think fleeing to other place is not a great idea. What do you guys think?

By their post, 99% of them are about hating on police and how police are beating them.

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It would not be immoral to retaliate against the government and to use violence in an attempt to free yourself and others from evil. It is a logical extension of self-defense.  However, it is just not a very practical way of achieving freedom, since you will likely get a lot less of it if you were to try to use force against the government.

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What do you mean by violence? To me, violence means the initiation of the use of force, which is immoral and not the same thing as defensive force.


Then I thought, how can be stop the government going against us without the use of violence?


In what ways are the government going against you? Where I live, they mostly just steal from me behind my back through way of taxation, fines, and coercive regulation. As long as I don't cross any of their lines to their knowledge, they mostly leave me alone. Which leaves me free to help others understand that acts carried out in the name of the government is immoral. Also, if we help parents to understand that they can raise their children without aggression, we'll raise people that don't speak the language of aggression. In a few generations, people will look back on the State as they do now on things like slavery.

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Today (11-12-2014), as Occupy Central is being cracked down and cleared away to become immortalized in history, every occupier is asking the same thing - What can we do?


I believe this video explains it best. Back in 2008, I believed that the Ron Paul REVOLution could really change things. This video explained clearly why trying to change government, violently or non-violently, makes it worse. The only way to win is not to play.



You will not live to see this stateless society without government. Peaceful parenting and therapy are the only viable solutions I understand to work.

Instead, realize how free you are already, stay as free as you can, and make your own life count.



I am from HK. I have been in Occupy everyday from the beginning to the end. Violence brings out the worst in all of us. Violent people love it when the peaceful become violent - it means you have condoned violence. Violence is a dead-end, a vicious-cycle. HK people know better.

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