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Wealth Distribution Leads to Social Unrest.


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I've been following the AnonymousConservative blog for months, and his writing gets better and better.  His major thesis is r/K selection, but his minor thesis is that a specific part of the brain, (the amygdala, which fires whenever something is wrong), largely predicts both an individual's reactions to the world and large-scale social reactions to it. 


(Once you see the world in terms of Rabbits and Wolves you can't unsee it.)




Rabbits, Acclimatization to Free Resources, and the Drive to Foment Unrest


As we approach the apex of r, there will be turmoil, and most of it will be fomented by the rabbits. As you view these events, view them in the context of an easily triggerable amygdala, accustomed to free resources and prone to enter a profoundly irritable state in the absence of free resources. In that irritable state, such an amygdala will be highly irritated by the happiness and success of others, and as a result will drive behaviors to diminish its own irritation, by diminishing the success and happiness of others.


So as conditions deteriorate for everyone, themselves included, the rabbit’s gaze will naturally fall upon the happy, and combined with their own adversity, their resentment will grow. As it does, they will want to act out.


Normal people will tend to focus on bettering their own lives, but a rabbit, focused on and irritated by the happiness of others, will need to try and destroy that happiness. If the happiness that their gaze falls upon is people happily buying Apple products, and Apple succeeding merrily, they will try to disrupt that happiness, and if possible, turn the populace upon the happy people. Doing that is all that can alleviate their angst.


If the happiness they see is a military man, being cheered by a crowd, they will try to turn that crowd against the military man.


If the happiness is merely relief, in the form of a Police Officer who negotiated a violent encounter successfully and survived, even the more educated rabbits will try to turn the violent in our ranks on the Police Officer.


As things get worse, the stimulus required to irritate them to action will grow ever less. Since the rabbit is too cowardly to attack their enemy themselves, their go-to strategy will be to try and make everyone they see unhappy, and turn any threat they can find in our populace upon the successful. At its climax, even those barely able to survive will precipitate such rage that the rabbit will try to get anyone they can to kill them.


This strategy is an outgrowth of something innate to the undeveloped amygdalae – a fundamental, penetrating sense of helplessness. If your amygdala is developed, it has been developed through experience. When it encounters adversity, it scans your brain for a solution, finds it stored in memories of prior experiences, and it will then drive behaviors to address your adversity. As a self-sufficient non-rabbit, your amygdala will drive you to fix your own problems.

If, however your amygdala is not acclimated to adversity, then you will not be able to find a solution stored in your amygdala, and you will feel helpless. Once you are helpless, and your amygdala is applying aversive stimulus to drive you to take action, your focus will direct itself to making others solve your problems for you. Then, rather than fixing your problems yourself, you will focus on making everyone else miserable, in the hopes that to alleviate their misery they will solve your problem for you. Suddenly you are laying down in the middle of a freeway, basically telling other people that unless they fight your enemies for you and fix your problems on your behalf, you will stop traffic, and prevent them from getting home.


Notice, developed amygdalae solve problems, undeveloped amygdala make more, for everyone, in the hopes that increased misery all around will benefit them at some point. One builds a successful society, one screws everything up as they try to make others as miserable as themselves.


These overly triggerable amygdalae will produce unrest and turmoil that will be unlike anything we have seen in our lives, if the current path is maintained. Make no mistake, we have gone to unimaginable lengths to feed unimaginable levels of free resources into our ecosystem, producing rabbits of unimaginable mental instability, with completely undeveloped amygdalae. I do not believe there has ever been a more Warrior-like population, infested with a more viscerally repugnant and mentally unstable, rabbit-like cohort, whose panic and intolerance for any sort of discomfort is so immense and unappeasable.


Historically, the end result of conditions like these has been a societal turmoil of unimaginable proportions. These are the materials historic events are made of. If you have ever read an historical account, wide eyed and amazed at what someone in the past endured, understand those same types of events may someday present themselves to us.


Be prepared.


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