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Check Your Dirt Poor 3rd World Male Privilege

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They never tell us what exactly to check for, though.  What's the difference between a healthy and unhealthy privilege?  Does it change shape?  Have a weird odor?  Should I be concerned if my privilege looks different than my neighbor's?  If after checking my privilege on a daily basis and finding it to be consistent in its status, can I safely reduce my checking routine or do I need to maintain a constant pattern of checking?  Can I check someone else's privilege while they are on vacation or otherwise indisposed?  If I forget to check my privilege for a long time is it safe to check it multiple times in quick succession to make up the difference?  What if my privilege is missing entirely?  Can I order a new one?  If a friend checks his privilege and discovers multiple instances is it legal to sell the extra one?

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  What's the context of this?  Is there more I can learn.  Anyways I think it's pretty awful.  I spent time with children in both India and Nepal, and I can tell you they are societies with far more contempt for children that we have here.  Very different gender dynamics than we have as well.  Women RULE households, and have only to raise their hand in threat of a hard smack on the head to win complicity from even a teenage boy.  On the other hand, they are a lot harder working than women in the West, and seem to do most of the work in agriculture and construction, while it seems like a lot of the men just sit on their ass, smoke cigarettes, etc.  
 Poor families will spend what little they have for education usually on the oldest son, who of course then has the obligation to help out the family should he turn out to be successful.  Then of course you have serious issues with violence against women in these countries, gang-rapes, acid on the face, and so on...horrible stuff.  So there are a lot valid complaints for women in these countries, but also a lot of criticisms of how they treat children.  Nevertheless, this kind of propaganda doesn't really solve either of those problems.


They never tell us what exactly to check for, though.  What's the difference between a healthy and unhealthy privilege?  Does it change shape?  Have a weird odor?  Should I be concerned if my privilege looks different than my neighbor's?  If after checking my privilege on a daily basis and finding it to be consistent in its status, can I safely reduce my checking routine or do I need to maintain a constant pattern of checking?  Can I check someone else's privilege while they are on vacation or otherwise indisposed?  If I forget to check my privilege for a long time is it safe to check it multiple times in quick succession to make up the difference?  What if my privilege is missing entirely?  Can I order a new one?  If a friend checks his privilege and discovers multiple instances is it legal to sell the extra one?


  Lol, is checking your privilege anything like checking your balls for testicular cancer?  WTF does it even mean?  How do we know whether or not one has checked their privilege?  As far as I can tell, what it really means is, constantly doubt yourself, deny your needs, and submit to the Marxist rule.

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Privilege, as far as I can tell, is a subjective term. It's another excuse for hierarchy. It appears to suggest that by merely being born, you have done something wrong for which you now must correct. The peddlers of privilege theory look forward to your unending appeals for daring to have privilege. For a fee of time, money, or energy, they can temporarily relieve you of this great burden. But then you must agree to come back for more relief.
This silly game has plagued humanity from the beginning, at least for the non philosophical.

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"Privilege" shouldn't be a dirty word. I'm happy for the people who didn't grow up in the squalid urine-soaked places I was raised in. I just feel a bit exasperated when rich white women tell me that their lives were so much more goddamn difficult than mine without knowing anything about it.

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"Privilege" shouldn't be a dirty word. I'm happy for the people who didn't grow up in the squalid urine-soaked places I was raised in. I just feel a bit exasperated when rich white women tell me that their lives were so much more goddamn difficult than mine without knowing anything about it.


I agree that the term should be more neutral, but I think the prevailing notion is negative. Look at this definition from rationalwiki:



Privilege is the benefits and advantages held by a group in power, or in a majority, that arise because of the oppression and suppression of minority groups. Often these benefits and advantages are not codified as legal rights and arise as secondary qualities to suppression...



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I agree that the term should be more neutral, but I think the prevailing notion is negative.


Ugh. I hate that definition. But of course, my irritation is not an argument.


I guess the part that bothers me is that there is a resentment toward people who have this so-called "privilege", when that really isn't enough information to go on to determine injustice on part of the person with that "privilege". If that person is acting like it's because of their virtue that they earned a job rather than because of some privilege they have, and "if you just work as hard as me" sort of ignorant talk is going on, then that's really irritating. But a lot of it seems to be more along the lines of "they're richer than I am, therefore they are a pillaging capitalist assholes" variety of non-thought.


I'm really happy for people who happen to have more opportunities than I do/did and who aren't assholes about it.


Just assuming there actually were some patriarchal rape culture, treating every man as a potential rapist (query: "Schrodinger's rapist") and resenting men who've never hurt any woman because they belong to this "class", because they ostensibly don't have to deal with being constantly in fear of being raped is fucked up beyond belief.


And oh my god, what a fucking insane world feminists live in. It really strikes me as psychosis.

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Privilege, as a modern pejorative, is a Trojan Horse for disguising sexism, racism and hetero-normative phobia in an attempt to make the accusation sound just.



And oh my god, what a fucking insane world feminists live in. It really strikes me as psychosis.


It's almost as if we could describe it as a syndrome resulting from the childhood, perhaps a forced absence of the father by the mother.

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