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Voting Vs Writing to MP Canada


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I am a firearm owner in Canada and due to heavy gun control over here I am not been able to enjoy the sport as much compared to USA. I do not vote at all for reasons such as tax is theft but I really want "try" and to achieve less gun control here. So I guess my qeustion is this, is wriiting letters to the Gov. in general telling them to make a change same as voting or a violation of say the non aggression principle? 


Thanks for any inputs!

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What do you think writing a letter would accomplish? No dog wants his food dish taken away. Everybody knows this.


Saying "Master, please whip me less" is not the same as saying "You do not own me."


Asking somebody to not initiate the use of force is not itself initiating the use of force. It does validate their claim over you though, which I think you should avoid for your own mental well being.

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Without dipping into the moral questions, I would say that neither option is a very practical choice.  The anti-gun propaganda is way too entrenched in Canada, and the politicians don't want the laws changed.


Ask yourself, how much you would be willing to bet that your actions (either writing/voting/protesting) will result in positive change on gun control. Then ask yourself how much your time is worth.  I am pretty sure you will find that it is not worth your time.  Especially since this is an issue resulting from the consequences of bad ideas, and not the actual cause the bad ideas themselves.


In other words, if you want to spend your time making this world a better place, I would recommend spending it on pulling out the roots of evil (i.e. abusive parenting) instead of cutting back the vines.

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What do you think writing a letter would accomplish? No dog wants his food dish taken away. Everybody knows this.


Saying "Master, please whip me less" is not the same as saying "You do not own me."


Asking somebody to not initiate the use of force is not itself initiating the use of force. It does validate their claim over you though, which I think you should avoid for your own mental well being.


I don't think writing a letter to them would change anything. I have been paying my tax so I think they have claim over me.... But that doesn't mean I agree with them and they do not have my consent because I am not voting ...    

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What do you think writing a letter would accomplish? No dog wants his food dish taken away. Everybody knows this.


Saying "Master, please whip me less" is not the same as saying "You do not own me."


Asking somebody to not initiate the use of force is not itself initiating the use of force. It does validate their claim over you though, which I think you should avoid for your own mental well being.


I don't think it's gonna change anything. I guess i am just frustrated... I am paying my tax so I guess they have claim over me already. I am just not going to give them consent by voting...

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Without dipping into the moral questions, I would say that neither option is a very practical choice.  The anti-gun propaganda is way too entrenched in Canada, and the politicians don't want the laws changed.


Ask yourself, how much you would be willing to bet that your actions (either writing/voting/protesting) will result in positive change on gun control. Then ask yourself how much your time is worth.  I am pretty sure you will find that it is not worth your time.  Especially since this is an issue resulting from the consequences of bad ideas, and not the actual cause the bad ideas themselves.


In other words, if you want to spend your time making this world a better place, I would recommend spending it on pulling out the roots of evil (i.e. abusive parenting) instead of cutting back the vines.


I agree with you and total on board with peaceful parenting, tax is theft etc... But I want to be more free in terms of guns... I know there are other options other than writing/voting/protesting.... such as moving to a more pro gun location.. which would definitely by the states, but this would be a lot harder than writing and will change my life dramatically.

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You can always write it and see what happens.


It's not like the gods of anarchy are going to send thunderbolts down to kill you for your heresy on the spot.



I was thinking why not as long as it doesn't violate any principles... even though I know it will probably not change anything...

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I was thinking why not as long as it doesn't violate any principles... even though I know it will probably not change anything...


It might change the way you think about the situation.


You could get an experiential confirmation that it was a waste of time.


Or maybe it could actually have an effect in upholding gun freedom.


Whatever the case, I can't imagine it would hurt anything.

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Instead of writing a politician, why not find gun owners in your area and stage an open carry demonstration? It is much more effective to spread awareness by uniting and displaying your preferences publicly. Like Molyneux often says, send up a flare and see who follows you. I have no idea what restrictions exist in Canada and your province, but surely non-felons can own hunting rifles which are perfect candidates for open carry slung over the shoulder. Depending on how much of a stir your public demonstration evokes, this will lead other like-minded people to vote with their dollar, buying more guns and also organizing demonstrations. You aren't going to get any traction at the political level. You have to convince other people that owning firearms is preferable to not owning them.

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Instead of writing a politician, why not find gun owners in your area and stage an open carry demonstration? It is much more effective to spread awareness by uniting and displaying your preferences publicly. Like Molyneux often says, send up a flare and see who follows you. I have no idea what restrictions exist in Canada and your province, but surely non-felons can own hunting rifles which are perfect candidates for open carry slung over the shoulder. Depending on how much of a stir your public demonstration evokes, this will lead other like-minded people to vote with their dollar, buying more guns and also organizing demonstrations. You aren't going to get any traction at the political level. You have to convince other people that owning firearms is preferable to not owning them.


I'm almost certain that open carrying in an urban environment will get you killed in Canada.  

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I'm almost certain that open carrying in an urban environment will get you killed in Canada.  


That's the point. No one cares if you vote or write a letter. Openly organizing a demonstration of private firearm ownership actually challenges the legitimacy of authority. Why do we need police if citizens are armed?


If you gather enough people together with rifles, no one will dare aggress against you. Wear body armor for security, and cover your face if you don't want to be identified.The act of carrying or displaying a firearm is not aggression. Shooting it is. See the Nevada cattle rancher stand off.

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