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Does everyone have sociopathic tendencies?


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  I have noticed that I have what feels like selective sociopathy, although I don't think it's always a concious thing or ill intentioned. It's more like a survival coping skill to get your needs met because 

you don't feel safe any other way. You have this worry in your mind that you won't get what you need from others unless you act a certain way to persuade them. So it feels like sometimes I

withhold being totally honest and authentic in my dealings in relationships because of the conflict that honesty brings at times.


yes, this is it! I feel I am very manipulative, that I dont know how to get my needs met, how to ask for my needs to be met, or probably half the time what my needs even are!.

I dont feel safe putting my needs out there, or asking someone for something, or saying "no" to a request for something. And yes, I dont expect to get anything from others.

So I manipulate, lie, hide my true intentions and emotions, and so on.

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  • 8 months later...

The whole reason sociopaths exist is because those genes are highly adaptive. Sociopathic tendencies can be potentially elicited in all of us at a certain point. Nietzsche fondly points out that we are still ALL still animals, even if we are human animals, with great capacity by his quote, "We are human, all too human." I would add, that we are GODS that shit. We have great capacity, but at the end of the day we must sleep, and be 100% vulnerable to the world. I think certain degrees of violence can illicit sociopathic tendencies. I wouldn't say that everyone exhibits them, but I would say, most people exhibit them many times a day. Sociopathy is on the rise, the society we have currently is breeding this type of violence, and it's very important to be aware, that we all have great capacities for violence and becoming corrupt. This is why true vulernability and connection must be instilled through peaceful parenting. We all have capacity for making mistakes and having illusions instead of truths. My answer to this question is yes and with that I want to say that if you have virtue in your actions and your behavior, then you forever have my fullest support and acceptance wholly. 



There is an incredible difference between displaying the memetics of psychopathy vs. actually being unable to feel empathy. SOCIOPATHS ARE NOT ALL BAD PEOPLE. They just don't experience the world the same. Sociopaths are incredibly brilliant, and they can do good in the world. Unlike the rest of us, they dont really get a high or aroused from helping others. So for them, it is a sort of interesting thing. There are many sociopaths in history that have helped improve the world, many which you prolly never thought of. 

We are not born into a monster, we are made into one. And like a monster, we can't change our appearance or our past, but we can change our behavior for the future.




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