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Fear of Rejection (Part 3). Overcoming It


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Darius, I really enjoy your videos and your blog!

Will you be continuing the blog this year? I believe your articles are really valuable. I understand that it is a lot of work you put in there, I am just curious if there will be more to come!

Thanks for your efforts!

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Hi Kaki,


Thank you for your kind feedback! Yes, my articles are oriented more to a "psychologically more advanced" audience, and I tend to make a lot of my videos to be a little bit "easier to swallow." I took a break from writing my blog because I'm already working on a huge project that mostly consists of writing. I know it sounds vague, although you can probably guess what this might be, but I don't want to give too many details about it as of yet. Although I'm extremely excited about it, and I'll share more information soon. Eventually, I'll come back to writing the blog—I just don't know when yet.


I hope that helps, and it's good to know you find my writing valuable!


See you around,


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Hi AynRand,


Initially, I have recorded it as a three-part series, but I'll probably record some additional videos on the subject, as it is one of the most common issues people want me to work with them on and contact me about.

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I do not fear rejection. Modern "empowered" chicks usually come over to me and say something along the lines of "Wanna go for a drink handsome" but I am not that sharlow when it comes to dating, you know. Anyone knows that the odds are high that those chicks are gold diggers, since a half way decent looking girl in general likes her cake and eat it, too. She is weak when it comes to responsibility and strong on the dating market, since simp's pussy addiction inflates females' market value.   :P Lolicons are NAWALTS by default.  :happy:  ;)

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