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Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes..But His Wife Does

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Here's a  look at a former pastor who as an experiment decided to "live like an athiest", and then became one after the year.  Nice to hear, but this sent my red flag up.  





Q: Your significant other is a Christian. How are you navigating that?

A: It’s challenging sometimes, but she is an open-minded, thoughtful person. I’d call her a Christian Humanist, or a Humanist in the way of Jesus, if that makes any sense. I still share a love for the stories of the radical Jesus preferring the poor and downtrodden, so we’re not as different as it may seem on the surface. Besides, our relationship is about more than debates about God’s existence.


What I appreciate about FDR is the it doesn't shy away from what others are willing to brush off as people being free to believe what they want.


I'm curious if the ex pastors wife would have married him if he were an athiest and she a believer from the beginning of their relationship. Do any of you out there have any stories of belivers (male or female) marrying an athiest or vice versa as the ex reverand puts it, ".. our relationship is about more than debates about God’s existence.?


Do any of you have a partner who is a believer and has children who hear your loving and spirited debate? If so I'd love to know how well or not that goes.


Finally, and naturally, I'd love to hear Stef interview this couple together to get at a fuller story of this kind of coupling.



New Years Best,




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Very interesting article I liked it that even the occasional preacher can change his mind on god.

While I don't have any stories about religious differences between a couple, I have broken up with girls who I found out supported government programs like taxation. I guess you could say that I am intolerant of people who are intolerant of me, and of people who would support the initiation of force against me for disagreeing with them. 

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