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Generational Bickering, the new way to divide people


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Has anyone else noticed the trend in media that seems to rile up people against an older/younger generation?


I feel like this is the new way (in addition to racial or gender bickering) to divide people further than seeing the government for what it is.



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The young vs. old trend has existed since forever apparently. I don't think the media is the cause of it, they're just catering to people's prejudices.


“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”

- Socrates

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Any examples for those who don't follow?


There just seem to be many articles that slam millennials and many articles that slam baby boomers. I really started to notice this when I would read the comments sections and see the two groups going at it and it just reminded me the of the comments you would find in a race-baiting article or gender baiting article.


This is just spit balling, but it seems like these age labels (gen X, Y, Boomers, ect) seem to have risen in the past century at the same time these other racial/gender/class based movements began.

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I do notice that, in my opinion, this generation of "millennials" (by which I mean anyone born post 1990) had become extremely self conscious about it's image. If you look at the whole hipster trend, it seems those people would have our generation be a carbon copy of other generations. How ironic that we get the best that technology has to offer and all we want to do is listen to vinyl, write things on typewriters, and play 8bit videogames on a used NES. The things that our generation can claim for ourselves like memes and social media, videogames and dubstep all elicit a collective eyeroll from older generations and members of the current one as well!


Did generation X feel so ashamed of it's bell-bottom jeans and disco music. Did the boomers try to couch their Buddy Holly, malts and muscle cars is a veil of protective irony? I don't know because I wasn't there. I do feel sick of people just not being able to embrace what makes them happy and this new generation seems awfully unsure of itself. Like they've all be collectively traumatized or something..... oh wait...

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