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What Happens When a Lady "Manspreads"

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Its funny how they focus on "eye glares" at her at the beginning to set the tone of the video, which are hardly even quantifiable, and then after making that fuss later on an aside point out that someone "even actually" asked the guy to move stuff to give them more space.


This video is a waste a of time.

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Is this something specific to males or is it just because I'm out of shape?  Because sitting with my knees together over a long time period is very painful.  I don't ride subways, but I would dread company meetings because they put folding chairs right next to each other and if you want to sit without touching the person next to you it means 30 minutes of desperate effort to not "man-spread".  Really sucks.   You cannot relax your leg muscles at all.  Nowadays I'm videotaping the meetings so I get to stand behind a tripod, thankfully.

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Is this something specific to males or is it just because I'm out of shape?  Because sitting with my knees together over a long time period is very painful.  I don't ride subways, but I would dread company meetings because they put folding chairs right next to each other and if you want to sit without touching the person next to you it means 30 minutes of desperate effort to not "man-spread".  Really sucks.   You cannot relax your leg muscles at all.  Nowadays I'm videotaping the meetings so I get to stand behind a tripod, thankfully.


I would research "sciatica" by the way. Sometimes when sitting there are nerves in the lower back that can get pinched that make it uncomfortable to sit in certain ways. Not saying this is your case, but you may find it interesting.


Common symptoms of sciatica include:
Pain in the buttock or leg that is worse when sitting.
Burning or tingling down the leg.
Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot.
A constant pain on one side of the buttock.
A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up.
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Also this:

"Thankfully not everyone let Nick get away with this wide legged dominance!"

Lady comes and asks: is that your bag?


What's that with his bag all through the end of the video? What does that even have to do with wide legged sitting?

I see by far more women taking up lots of space with handbags and shopping bags.


Do feminist really have no other problems?

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Shit like this makes me wish women had balls, just because that's where these feminists need to be kicked. Like the lip being pulled over your head thing. Lets put a golf ball in your pelvic cavity and push it directly into your kidneys just to give an idea of what happens when the slightest tremor reaches a testicle.

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Shit like this makes me wish women had balls, just because that's where these feminists need to be kicked. Like the lip being pulled over your head thing. Lets put a golf ball in your pelvic cavity and push it directly into your kidneys just to give an idea of what happens when the slightest tremor reaches a testicle.


You do not have to go that far. It is not exactly widespread knowledge that the clitoris and vulva are equally as vulnerable, if not more than texticles, to force such as punching or kicking. 

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I'm not sure about sitting. Most times you can't reliably find a seat on public transportation. I took the bus the week of Christmas because the snow was a little too intense for driving. One evening, I got yelled at by three different women because I refused to stand on top of another man to make more room. (They made a move to shove me, but didn't push that hard.) I was also carrying a twenty five pound bag. Did I mention I was standing? No one offered me a seat so I could stow the bag underneath. One of the girls referred to me as Mr. Green Bag. They spent the remainder of the bus ride until their transfer bad mouthing everyone who wouldn't move because they commanded, as if this was a mass transit faux pas. It sounds like an excuse to act like a bitch to strangers.


The only words I spoke to them were "No, thanks," (In reply to the command.) and "There is plenty of room over here." (Gesturing behind me towards the back of the bus where they eventually migrated.) If they had asked politely, I would have moved anywhere for them, but I didn't tell them that. Some secrets have to be discovered for one's self.

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In another public trans story, a young man put his foot up past parallel while the bus was still waiting to load at the origin, and the female driver spazzed out on him yelling "FEET ON THE GROUND AT ALL TIMES!" I got an instant flashback of riding on the big yellow public school buses. It was Sunday evening, so there were six people riding the route other than me. Clearly, they must be educating the drivers about the evils of manspreading.

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Oh man....I should totally do a video about Womanspreading on the counter of a cash register.  I work at a cash register and by FAR more women are guilty of this - when the transaction is over they will oftentimes spend 25-30 seconds doing things with their purse, and blocking the next customer from coming up while there is a line of people behind them.  It's as if they are completely oblivious to the fact that they can just move over two steps to the left and allow other people to get on with their day.  I've started to ask them to move over once it hits the 10-15 second mark, but sometimes I just sit and watch in silent amusement at the lack of awareness these women have for the time of others which they are wasting.  The funniest part is, usually the people behind them are just getting one item and their entire transaction takes about as long as it does for the woman to organize her purse.


For many complaints women bring up about men, I can easily find a equal or greater complaint about women which exhibits the same trait - in this case, lack of consideration for others.

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