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I just watched your video, and I fully agree it is amazing that we really don't have rights, or at least don't have rights in the sense that mainstream media believes in the word rights. Amazing that so few voices in the American community will recognize this.

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Rights are negative. If you can do X and X does not commit force against another then you have a RIGHT to do X. Rights are the conversation we have when ywo moral agents come into conflict.

for example rights do not exist when you are alone say on a deserted island. You do not have a right to fish you merely fish.

Rights only come into play when tow moral agents come into conflict then they discuss when force is legitimate or when force is wrong.


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I guess a sense of definition is in order here... When I use the word "right" in this sense I mean something aking to an abolute. In this case, if I say I have the right to like and that is "enshined" in Law, then it would be impossible for me to die or be killed. We know however that this is false. Like the rap song says, "people die everyday". On the other hand, I can certainly say that I prefer to live. I can say that with a great degree of certainty.


Thanks (as well) for the comments P. Mason and jpahmad.

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