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Absolutely hated this movie

It made me incredibly angry just watching it.


All of the problems in the movie were caused by the mother, yet the movie portrays her as the victim of the EVIL MEN in her life. The shit the mother did was never addressed.


The movie treated all of the trauma and violence the kid went through as if it all went away just because he went to college.


It's a bullshit movie.

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The first half made me too emotionally stressed out to pay attention to it...the second half was a little bit better. It made me to sad to see the main character as a little boy who doesn't say anything and just takes all this abuse. It was slightly better when he was older and would speak up and show his personality. It was interesting that it was the same actors throughout, and there certainly were a couple male mentors who were a better example to the boy...but overall I didn't feel like I gained anything from watching it.



There was also the part about the mom that made me mad, that she kept dating/marrying these awful guys, and all the while she's a COLLEGE PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR! She should know something about abusive relationships and what to look out for! And what added icing on the cake was this dumb little scene where there's this guy she encouraged to go back to school, and years later he sees the family and says "you should listen to your mom. She's a smart lady." Could you be any more subtle? :P


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  • 5 weeks later...


I did not actually dislike the film as much as I thought I would.


It's never discussed why the father and mother split up, other than the tired "we were too young and not responsible enough to have children." Have you ever heard of adoption, mom and dad? You initially learn that dad is off somewhere in Alaska. Who knows when he is coming back? The step-fathers are obviously depicted as creeps and abusers, and they're just there for no reason other than to pay some bills and keep mom happy enough to stay in one place.


I did not find myself feeling sorry for the mother at all. I was telepathically asking her the whole time, "What vile behavior did you dish out to chase away Ethan Hawke?" The important lesson the father learns is to have kids with the religious conservative so she will want him to stick around longer. This would be a very pragmatic move later on in life when you are running out of good options for a family.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know in which podcast Stefan talked about the movie Boyhood and said that it was full of leftist propaganda?


2881 - January 7th "Was Jesus a Libertarian?", I think.


This is Peter Schiff's reaction video to Patricia Arquette's speech at the Academy Awards.



J. K. Simmons guilting you to call your parents and Patricia Arquette declaring war on the gender pay gap.


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