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Pope Francis: 'You cannot insult the faith of others'

Alan C.

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Pope on Charlie Hebdo: 'You cannot insult the faith of others'


...Francis said there are limits to freedom of expression, especially when it insults or ridicules someone's faith.


. . .


"...You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others."


Poop Francis is a charlatan who is peddling bullshit to credulous, feeble-minded people.

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Capitalism is a mode of social organization (or lack thereof) as well as a set of beliefs/predictions about what will yield the best results in organizing a society, and in living life at the individual level.


My point was that if it's wrong to insult a religion, then surely it should also be wrong for him to do the same with beliefs systems that he disagrees with.


You could technically say capitalism is your religion. You could even go as far as to say that capitalism is a religion, and you wouldn't necessarily be wrong, depending on your definition of religion.

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From tonight's chat during the show.


So the pope believes that we have a right not to be offended which we should defend violently against nonviolent provocateurs who deserve it.


Pope Francis: Enemy of Tolerance


I wonder if that platform won him the papacy.

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So the pope believes that we have a right not to be offended which we should defend violently against nonviolent provocateurs who deserve it.


My wife took the pope's statement in the second video as a humorous exaggeration and not casual acceptance of violence.

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