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Q: Links for IQ tests validity?


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Hey, I'm an IQ testing skeptic, but before I put my ideological bias in my mouth, I'd like to know what's the best evidence out there for the validity of IQ tests. I'm looking those studies that go beyond childhood and accurately predict life economic output.


Cheers! ^_^

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I don't think any IQ test would posit any kind of correlation with future economic output or success of any kind. That's not really the point of testing IQ, it is more just an assessment of analytical intelligence which may or may not be applied by that individual in the future. In general I think a lot of extremely high IQ people tend to end up working in rather mundane professions. Rick Rosner for example was a waiter in LA for many years before breaking into television writing. Christopher Langan was a club bouncer for decades. IQ is clearly not enough to forge the drive and purpose needed to achieve great things. But that is not to say it is not in itself a useful rubric for determining how well a person might understand advanced concepts and solve for complicated problems.

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The longest running study meant to measure IQ vs later success in life is the Terman Study of the Gifted. It shows a clear positive correlation.


And it would stand to reason that this would be the case if IQ measured general intelligence (multiple intelligences theory is BS), everything else being equal, this is obviously going to give a person more opportunities since things requiring more intelligence would be more accessible. This seems painfully obvious to me.


Of course people who work the hardest are going to yield better results, but IQ is going to play a key role.

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