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Baby Limbo: Millennials Struggle to Find the Right Time

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I found this article to be gynocentric and infuriating. Please give it a read and tell me your feelings and thoughts.




The first part that really infuriated me was practice living off one income so you can save for child daycare. Excuse me? Why practice if you are going to throw your infant in baby prison?


The second part was the bit about Obamacare making insurers cover most prenatal care services. This is how we know that ACA is a wealth transfer from male to female, considering all the single Mellennials out there.


Some other sticking points for me:


- Encouraging women to wait as long as they can to have children, while completely ignoring the consequences.

- The fact that in the US, only 10-15% of employers offer paternity leave (no fault to the writer).

- Pushing parents to start a college savings fund for their children early. Maybe the kid won't want or need to go?


The article had a few obvious things to say about saving money, like not going out to dinner, and subscribing to cable, so it wasn't all useless.





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The average cost of a daycare facility today is $11,666 per year. A really nice facility can charge $18,000 or more.

I did not like it that the authors of the article are encouraging daycare. Also I didn't like it that they advised living on one paycheck, and the reasoning was to save money. When I think the reason should be that one parent needs to stay home with the child, and to not leave that child in daycare. 

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If the kid doesn't want to go to college, he or she could use the money for something else after finishing high school(like capital for a business).  So long as the parents don't bribe/blackmail the kid with that money, it shouldn't be a big deal.


A better idea, in my humble opinion, would be to not save the money for college at all, and spend that future capital on allowing one of the parents to stay home with the children, at least for the first five years. Then, if it can be budgeted, hire tutors and have at least one parent involved in a mentor role after age five so your child never has to set foot in a public school. Basically, parents are banking the money for college by having tax financed compulsory education, and look how swimmingly this worked out. Now, we have Obama stepping in and make getting Associate's Degrees also tax subsidized.


They briefly talk about cutting expenses and practicing living off one income, but it becomes very clear later in the article that this practice is for the mother to take her state guaranteed twelve week maternity leave with every intention of jumping back into her career so the couple can afford daycare, which can cost up to $18,000 per year, according to the article.

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