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Objectivity, Subjectivity & Beyond

Kevin Beal

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Hey, I made a video. It's got some interesting stuff in there, I think. Some funny stuff, some bad words, my opinion of Deepak Chopra and some other stuff.


It's my first video, so I welcome feedback about the content as well as the production. I'm pretty much a n00b.


Let me know what you think! :)


(It might take a while to process)


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Well done, I really enjoyed that, straight and to the point.


I remember reading a Chopra or Chopra-like book that used the quote: "I am not of the world, the world is of me".

This had a big effect on me at the time and combined with the concept of the soul and other factors gave me permission to suffer inordinately surrounded by assholes. 


I welcome the coming of the anti-Chopra!!! 


Also, Kevin said boobies ;-P

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Hey, I made a video. It's got some interesting stuff in there, I think. Some funny stuff, some bad words, my opinion of Deepak Chopra and some other stuff.


It's my first video, so I welcome feedback about the content as well as the production. I'm pretty much a n00b.


Let me know what you think! :)




I made a little game to play to help process the concepts. How did I do? 




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Shots fired! Are you really picking on me for posting my subjective opinion within an objective framework about preferences? I separated the two statements with a paragraph break, I swear! ;)

I wrote this script several days ago. My next video will be about how wrong you were in that post ;) Just kidding



I made a little game to play to help process the concepts. How did I do? 

You did great! I'm still a bit fuzzy on how to distinguish ontology and epistemology when it concerns objective claims about the knowledge we have of objects. Like, what do we focus on in the sentence itself?


"This iPod is smaller than the toy" can be evaluated to be true through independently verifiable means, but it also describes the property of the object: its size.


I think the distinction is when there is any methodology shown in the claim. Like "2 + 2 = 4" has clear logical operations in the claim itself, as does the epistemic claim you made in blue, above. But the red claims are talking about the manner in which those objects exist.


So, I think you are entirely correct. But someone more familiar with ontology can correct me if this is wrong.


Well done, I really enjoyed that, straight and to the point.


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